Hyperbaric OXYGEN treatment (HBOT) has been sidelined & overlooked & hold superb potential & MUST be made affordable & accessible! If Bobby Kennedy Jr. can play a meaningful role he must help HANG
after proper legal hearings, courts, judges, juries, investigations, all linked to fraud of the fake NON-COVID PCR created pandemic, the deadly lockdowns, OWS, deadly Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine
Bobby Jr. with persons like myself and others must work together to bring folk like Malone, Sahin, Weissman, Kariko, Bancel et al. and all in Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech etc., all in the former Trump administration Task Force, all in the Biden administration, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, HHS etc., all who did wrong, all who conspired to make money recklessly knowing that the Malone et al. vaccine was deadly…all…we spare no one, even friends…we get the justice and accountability for too many died needlessly.
I think Bobby Jr. can do well…he means well…separate all his personal shit out of it…we need Rambo man dingo Brutus even up in there, mercenaries…to tear up DC and burn it to the studs…to remake it from scratch…Bobby Jr. will make a good soldier.
Once courts rule and find guilt, causing death in the fraud OWS and Malone mRNA et al. vaccine, then it’s hanging time…we hang in masse on the White House lawn…
you go Bobby Jr., you got my support! I hope 45 gives you a meaningful role!
Well since I have spent the majority of my medical career running hyperbaric oxygen centers you I second your request that Bobby bring it to the fore. In 2005 I publish in PEDIATRICS how h to can be used to cure Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. My article was met with resounding silence. It took 15 years for another research group to duplicate my findings.
Back I the 1970s / 80s, I was personal or 2nd level friends with a number of licensed medical doctors (or, Hush Now, licensed OSTEOPATHS or CHIROPRACTORS!) who were very successfully using HBOT; along with EDTA chelation, Diet, Detox & Nutrition; and several other such modalities under attack by the “Rockefellar Medicine Men.” … Around 1985, I even spent a couple of months traveling to meet with & interview five attorneys who had been defending such doctors against the “legal” Perpetual Prosecutorial Persecution of their Professional Practices. The stories of what happened to some of those medical pioneers was Tragic and has been substantially swept under the rug. … I used to have BOXES of books, white papers, articles, court cases, and such I was using to construct a detailed documentary on what I had learned. But being one of those evil “Alt Med” people myself, I lost all that material when I could not keep up the payments on one of my storage spaces. … In more recent years, we’ve had many “anecdotal” stories of “Alt Med” practitioners bankrupted or even KILLED for the Practice & Promotion of their Whole Health Care Beliefs. Doctor Judy Mikovitch is one of the few (along with Dr. Mercola and a few others ) who survived the pervasive persecution & prosecution. … One of my few BIG regrets in life is losing all that material and my preliminary manuscripts. … Back in the 1980s, when I was trying to get the word out of the Medical Conspiracies and overarching New World DISS-Order, I was met mostly with apathetic skepticism or complacent yawns. But I think TODAY the Marketplace Of Ideas is FAR more open to being heard. Starting with G. Edward Griffin’s 1970’s book *World Without Cancer,* and moving to more recent works of McCarthy, RFK, and Mr & Ms Breggins books, are major steps forward in exposing The REAL History & The Truth of whats happened to us all in the World of Health (Death) Care. … Thank GOD for such people as Alex Jones ( Infowars.com ) and Robert Welch ( JBS.org ) who pioneered the wide & deep exposure of such atrocities against Human Kind!!! ... Like everything else, we must all embrace Radical DE-Centralization and bring Responsibility for EVERYTHING back down to the families, communities & counties, and some at the State level. NOTHING I can see should remain delegated to FedGov, which to me serves NO Valid Purpose. They even bastardized National Defense, turning it into a Jobs Program for the completely USELESS Military / Industrial Complex (MIC) which has NOTHING to do with “Defending American Values & Way of Life.” MIC is only a system for expanding & protecting economic markets & authoritarian control of ALL human beings. Smedly Butlers *War Is A Racket* is a Good Start there!