I can't be bought & my only dog in this fight is RIGHT vs WRONG no matter by whom! Does not matter if my friends, if you did wrong, you pay legally via court re COVID lockdowns, the mRNA death vaccine
We must have proper complete extensive investigation of the mRNA technology vaccine for 50 to 70/80 more years, before we use the Malone Bourla Bancel et. vaccine for prophylaxis or any reason
Today, the mRNA vaccines must be stopped hard cold. Never to leave the dish, the animal model until pure safety is shown and 50 to 80 more years of study is shown to underpin that.
And you think it's over? "No, you can't just turn it off!" "It ain't over"! The grifters and grafters will not let it be over, they still want inside your pockets, to pimp off your decent kind hearts. Don’t let them.
If mRNA technology vaccines in terms of making proteins have some beneficial role in human beings, as to disease etc., the fact is that as of today, it has not been shown and has only been shown to be deadly! No study to date has shown the mRNA technology vaccine by Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman, Kariko, Sahin etc. to be harmless and safe and beneficial, it does not work and has saved NOT ONE life….I challenge anyone to show me or us that data! You simply cannot. Not one life!
You could say it how much you want and it still is untrue, it is NOT safe and effective!
no RCT, no proper comparative effectiveness research has shown these mRNA vaccines reduce severe illness, ICU, hospitilization, deaths, no patient-important outcomes. None! and when Malone said this he lied! He lied to the world! And his words caused people to take the shot and many died!
Malone lied openly to you and no amount of balls cupping of people, no amount of mentioning their names can give him the innoculation he seeks. His work, his mRNA technology research killed people! With Weissman and Bourla and they must be held to account and history will not be kind to these people. Now the move is to cup balls, stroke egos, mention people as heros and the like but its all grift…disguised…its hiding out in plain sight…people who IMO are tantamount to purveyors of death.
Malone lied here for there was never any such data and none showed it saved lives, he just lied to you to sell vaccine and you must ask yourself why? and thus have you asked him about that?:
We need to call for a firm stop, hard stop, no more. In no child, adult, elderly. No mRNA vaccine. Take them off the market. Do not be blinded by future business money making opportunities. I know it sways you but I ask you to do the right thing for the first time. Do not expand the mRNA technology nowhere. Stop it now!
This "vaccine" is a murder in the first place. Intentional murder. I do not need all those honest doctors to tell me this, anyone with a little brain, but common sense knew already in 2020, the hysterical pharma run media screaming, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, only the stoned did not get it. This was not just for profits, but submission and killing.
Paul, the main reason for the lockdowns in America in 2020 was so the Dems and Deep State could insist on mail-in ballots to steal the election for O'Biden. Tucker has a new interview with censorship expert Mike Benz who says this:
“They knew the only way that Biden would be able to win, mathematically, was through the disproportionate Democrat use of mail-in ballots. They knew there would be a crisis because it was going to look extremely weird if Trump looked like he won by seven states and then, three days later, it came out actually the election switched."
“I mean, that would put the election crisis of the Bush-Gore election on a level of steroids that the national security state said, well, the public will not be prepared for. So what we need to do is we need to, in advance, we need to pre-censor the ability to even question legitimacy. This took out hundreds of key influencers.” He goes on to chronicle the social media censorship that hid warnings about mail-in ballots, etc., in a grand collusion between DHS, NATO, and the DNC with Big Tech. He says "It looks very bad." Understatement of the year. It was high treason.
That's why the 2 weeks in March to "slow the spread" morphed into the rest of the election year.