I warn again, America is now poised, set to endure a devastating one to two terrorist attacks via islamic jihadists within USA...Obama & Biden brought them here knowing this, our blood will be shed...
it is booked, they are here, and will rape our daughters and stab and kill us and we must turn immediately to Obama and Biden & the democrat party for accountability! blood will be on Obama & Biden's
Bataclan style…it is booked…and the law enforcement know it. Can they stop it?
Obama and Biden Inc. have delivered us to slaughter…with their invasion of USA.
France, 2015, Bataclan’s devastating attack, disemboweling patrons, cutting out female and males patrons’ eyes, stabbing women in their vaginas, cutting up their genitals, cutting men balls off and stuffing in mouths, cutting open stomachs and letting intestines strew all over the floor…alive.
Obama and Biden have brought it and its coming.
I am sorry, I share clearly so you guard yourself with the 2nd always…guard your daughters.
Bataclan, this is a doctored photo…you cannot see the actual photos, it will destroy your soul…below are pieces of people…135 cut up, beheaded, disemboweled…by peaceful islamic followers. jihadists.
there is nothing we could do about it...nothing...blood will be in the nads of democrats...Obama, Biden Inc.
Biden/Obama and the rest of the Marxist regime should be tried for treason. Obama wanted, and still does want to change America into a Muslim nation.