If you isolate people long enough like how we were under Trump's first lockdowns, and you barrage them with terrorizing news daily, and you offer them carrots e.g. vaccine for no mask or lockdown
then you can bend them to your will; you lock them down and close schools, and punish them and suffer them long enough, tear apart families, mandate unneeded vaccines, lose jobs, they will bend!
What our governments did hurt us badly with lockdowns, irreparably…
Yes, you can get people to be compliant and bend to your will! as long as you isolate them long enough, separate them, and torment and terrorize them daily, they will bend to your will…take an untested vaccine to get out of lockdown and no mask? sure, and they did…yet now the truth has come home to roost, it does not work and you are hearing it from me, the vaccines NEVER worked! you will come to learn that too.
all of this was a lie, and it pains me and some say dont mention Trump, but I am saying, he did this…the pain we are facing and faced, the devastation, the deaths due to the lockdowns, with lockdowns and the like is because of his inability to lead the pandemic response…yes, he allowed the inept conflicted illogical and I argue conspiring task force to run the response and they hurt us all. hurt our children and it was his doing…he sits on top of the 2 greatest public health disasters in history. he should never discuss this ever!
these vaccines will be shown, with the lockdowns, to be devastating public health disasters, not blunders, but crushing disasters.
I remind you, with the lockdowns and closed schools, children were physically abused and sexually abused and closed schools did not flag it, they were devastated, millions of children did not get their only daily meal as schools were closed, people did not care that millions of US children eat their only meal in school, children did not get their ears tested or eyes tested. millions of children starved daily in the US and you heard it from me, it cut across class lines. even more affluent children get their only meal in school due to lifestyles.
Closing schools kept children from taking common colds etc. to the home which is a coronavirus, and our parents and grand parents would have had their immune systems taxed and tuned up and thus would have staved off COVID virus. It sounds upside down but this is the reality…closing schools harmed granny! we even have evidence that homes with children had far less infection and deaths than homes with no children…having children in your home actually conferred protection.
Lots of psychological war games... they’ve known what they have been doing all along. It’s been in the planning stages for decades ... every scenario was heavily thought out in every industry... they’ve been making changes bit by bit so it’s not as noticeable ... moving the goal posts ever so slightly... then a bit more and then a bit more... then one day this freedom is gone... then this one... then this one...
They are total masterminds of manipulation and control through fear, isolation, medical rape and blackmail to keep your job... the studies they have done on humanity... the reprogramming of people’s minds is absolutely criminal.
Notice the quarantine camps... “inmates” are provided “food and water”. What have they been laced with? More mRNA and more nanoparticles and more reactivated viruses that were considered obsolete? And are there hidden cameras to do even more psychoanalysis on “inmates” during confinement?
The corruption, bribery and blackmail runs very very deep.
What an extremely dark time in the history of our earth.
I highly recommend anyone interested in the Totalitarian psychology of Mind Control and Menticide read this book.
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XGD6RFJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_30RC73Z7YH8EBHJKQ9V8