IMO, 3 major 'democrat' programs/policies that helped destroy America, especially colored black Americans, even poor whites: 1) The 'New Deal' programs, 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt (democrat)
2)The GREAT SOCIETY programs, 1965 President Lyndon Bains Johnson (democrat) & The Immigration Act of 1965 Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) (POTUS Johnson, democrat...these 3 IMO damaged USA
Democrat Presidents and house and senate members have worked to harm USA across the last 100 years especially and particularly, their programs have devastated the lives of the black American.
Actually the Dems have been screwing with America since inception…most notably Andrew Jackson…the Civil War… the KKK that was founded by them…to name a few. THEN the poison of Progressivism came to our shores and impacted fools from both sides of the isle - Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson (who BTW had FDR as a senior member of his administration) come to mind. This is when we see the so-called elites come into their own (basically because they had money, read the same humbug, a believed their own BS). Now they have progressed into being Marxists….though they make it sound nice with soft words for the gullible to swallow. Just curious as to how many who read this Substack are actually registered Democrats and why. Pax
You're all correct and thank you again Dr A for stating the truth. I'm afraid I will have to take it even farther back. The Democrats in this country have always been in favor of Collectivism rather than Individualism. Most are familiar with the two socialists credited with creating the public education system in America. John Dewey and Horace Mann. However, long before these two jerks came a Welsh Utopian by the name of Bob Owen. He rejected Christianity and private property so he founded New Harmony in the early 1820s in Indiana. An experiment in collectivism so grand that it collapsed onto itself in a mere two years! They NEVER learn!!