IMO, this vaccine was a biological attack on populations, by our own governments and technocrats and medical establishment and big business/pharma, YES, fascism plain and simple
The US and our nations are now living in fascist nations and we do not understand, my friend CB reminded me and I must here, this was a biological warfare attack on the human race by the human race
I have background expertise in bioterrorism from study at John’s Hopkins, my own study, my links and friendship with Dr. DA Henderson who eradicated small-pox across the years (even up to him agreeing to supervise me for a doctorate in biological agent as weapons) and just plain common sense.
The vaccine is a biological weapon, its mode of action is as a biological weapon, and if one wanted to wage a biological attack on a population or world, they should create a vaccine just like the COVID vaccine, one that drives sub-optimal immunity, non-sterilizing non-neutralizing immunity, and implement roll-out during a raging pandemic, with ongoing viral infectious pressure with mounting sub-optimal immune pressure. If one wants this pandemic to go on for 100 years, constant variants etc, then keep vaccinating with these vaccines in the same manner, with natural selection selecting out more infectious and potentially more lethal variants; yes, we go after the children and use them as asymptomatic super spreaders and we damage their innate immune systems which remains one of the most potent players on any epidemic/pandemic battlefield. We subvert and damage their innate antibodies with these sub-optimal immature and under-developed vaccinal antibodies that are directed to the initial Wuhan strain and not the recent Delta and more recent Omicron variants.
If the aim was to deliver a biological attack and slowly harm the population and kill, not massive initially, but building, and weakening the population, with poison pills, then you do exactly what you have done here. The pharma and governments and the Francis Collins types et al. could continue just as now. I pray for our police and military who were mandated to take these vaccines, I fear many will die from it in the future.
So you need to stop and think…big pharma and the World Economic Forum acolytes must be removed from our lives as to the devastating effects they are having. We have to work to remove these thieves and criminals from our lives. Think for yourself. You are very capable. You are very uniquely powerful.
Klaus Schwab and the WEF seem to have created the narrative for this fascist takeover of our democracies, and every country worldwide. Read his book: "Covid-19: The Great Reset". His entire plan is there, and how everything has been going to that plan. We found WEF videos of Klaus bragging on how he has 'penetrated the cabinet' here in Canada. The nazi regime seems to be upon us once again and it looks like they will succeed. They plan to use the V-Pass that will morph into a Communist China Social Credit Pass that controls every move you are allowed to or not allowed to make. With one click they can bankrupt you, detain you or eliminate all your access to society and starve you.
It's part of the war on Humanity , destruction of the current world order and ushering in a new order of the ages. Humanity is the Virus the are trying to eliminate. Satanic elites hate humans made in the image of God. And they've been telling us the truth about the depopulation agenda openly for many years. the same is with the biopeapon "Gene Therapy" . They are not hiding its true purpose, its all in the official documents - hidden in plain sight.
Premeditated GENOCIDE: Pfizer mRNA Integrates into your DNA
The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines
More from Canada. Nothing to see here, just some "Undesirable Side Effects" of Experimental Gene Therapy: MORE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA DATA: ALMOST 70% OF COVID DEATHS WERE AMONG THE “VACCINATED”