Imprisoning Trump or killing him? Which card would democrats, RINOs, deepstate DC cabal play to stop Trump aka 45? Rogan says 'imprisonment'? Did he stop short on assassination? I am not!
I think they will try either and will incite whackos among their ranks, the SS and POTUS Trump and his security has to safe guard hard, we want him alive and free to save America!
Authored by Steve Watson via
Podcast king Joe Rogan noted earlier this week that he believes there is no strategy for 2024 on the part of Democrats, and the only play they have is to imprison Donald Trump.
“I think at this point they kind of have to run [Biden] unless he dies,” Rogan asserted, adding “We have one year now, we’re in late November, we have less than one year. What are they going to do? If Biden died tomorrow, what do they do with Kamala Harris? Put her on the moon? What are they going to do, she’s the vice president. If he dies, she becomes the president, which is fucking wild when you hear that lady talk.”
Rogan further noted that throwing someone like California Governor Gavin Newsom in as the nominee in place of Harris would expose how lacking in direction the party has been.
“I think they have no cards and they’re looking at this game and I think they’re depending upon party loyalty and they’re depending upon Trump getting convicted and arrested and imprisoned,” Rogan contiuned.
“I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I don’t think it is. It just seems like it’s a bunch of trumped-up charges, no pun intended,” he added.
“It does make sense if you want to look at banana republic tactics, when you’re imprisoning and trying to convict your political opponents,” Rogan further stated, adding “The problem with that is, even if you think Donald Trump is a crook and should be arrested, this sets a precedent for future presidents.”
“What if someone further right than him steps in? What if a war breaks out? What if things get even crazier? What if nationalism really upticks? Then you have someone who is now in power that is far right, like happened all over the world. If that happens and that precedent has been set for prosecuting your political opponents and going after them with trumped-up charges, that is a horrible situation,” Rogan warned.
“That is one of the reasons why we have to stick with the rule of law, the way this country was founded on. These principles were set up because they wanted to mitigate corruption at its base level, they wanted to stretch it out so no one could be an authoritarian dictator and run America,” the host concluded.’
The people need to understand, that our country and government was overthrown in 2020 by our enemies, foreign AND domestic. And the base layer of the enemy is the CIA.
The CIA groomed and installed Obama as a Manchurian Candidate in 2008. He was not born here, was not eligible to be President, and is a muslim. He infiltrated much of the government with the muslim brotherhood whose stated goal is destroying America from within.
The CIA has also infiltrated every part of the government and media. There are CIA assets serving in Congress, not loyal to the Constitution or the Republic. They may try to use the tactics Dr. Paul talks about; they are not beyond murdering anyone to further their agenda.
This is why after Trump returns he must TOTALLY abolish the CIA.
One thing is being all left someone out of the equation. In a blink of an eye, things can turn around because God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Now I know some people don’t believe that, I am well aware of that, but there are millions in this faith based country that do... They outweigh ignorant adults who supported fraudulent Joe and fraudulent Barack, Bush Clinton etc...The corrupt who sold their soul. I truly believe that all of the truth will come out, and even the non-thinking boostered will finally have a lightbulb go on, and see how much they’ve been played, and how the media & the corrupt have built up this hate & crime in our United States.