'Indians Are Entering the U.S. Illegally in Record Numbers; Some asylum seekers say Modi’s Hindu nationalist policies are driving them out, while others are drawn by job opportunities'; truth be
told, I will take South Asian Indians over islamists all day long, 24/7 even, over any potential jihadist, but Indians too we don't want, stay out, stay in your nation unless come LEGALLY; get out!
Even though you are not a violent peoples, and you do add to the society, if you do not respect the laws and borders of the land and come legally in some manner, do not come at all…stay out…and you must be ejected.
Be warned, some of the Indians may be followers of radical islam, be careful with that. They are not necessarily hindu.
Guess who supports the Modi’s Hindu nationalist tyrannical government?
"All that glitters is not gold". Is Vivek just another WEF-puppetician in politics?
Paul has truly bought into this xenophobic paranoia about people not like himself. But his is an immigrant himself and now identifies with the white supremacist oligarchy here and has become part of the problem himself. He drinks too much of their Kool-aid and it has sickened him.