INVASION: America is invading itself, Biden administration is invading America! It is hard to believe that a sitting POTUS and his administration would be destroying the US; what do you see here?
It is orchestrated to me, planned, decisive, night after night this happens in single and double file, this is set up by powers in the government US side and elsewhere; no sane nation would do this!
Who would do this? This is why we need a Trump to get back up in there and tear things up…we go to strip things down to studs now. Fire deep, wide, and jail many, many! Start with all alphabet public health agencies NIH, FDA, CDC, NIAID and start with Francis Collins and Fauci. Add Bourla and Bancel, the 4 Horsemen.
The insane open borders tactics of the left and RINOs are causing devastating and radical demographic changes in the US.
Obama’s tent for his birthday party on Martha’s Vineyard…could Obama not erect similar tent to house the illegals until Martha properly settled them in? hhhhmmmmm….
Tent Obama set up for his birthday party on Martha Vineyard. Could he not erect one for these for the illegals until they were settled in?
This was played and in the works when Obama was president, he started dividing this country, Clinton was supposed to win and finish the job, but Trump won and there began the witch hunt to get him out by fair or foul! Biden was not supposed to win but alas powers took over and stole the election. Right now this administration is 1- trying to kill us with the shots, 2- make us rebel with violence so they can declare martial law and get rid of elections! We cannot have that happen, the Republicans have to win both the House and Senate, so we legally can get rid of biden and harris. They both are traitors to this country. We all know this but biden is truly pushing the rights buttons, WE"RE THE TRAITORS?? We are the terrorists, nope other way around!! We have to do it legally!
Oh yes, it is organized, with tweaks and panic moves. Not sane, but it is consistent with megalomaniacal psychopaths and satanists. They are drunk on anticipation, so drunk on their own depravity they telegraph most of their moves. Meanwhile, they drop their guard by partnering and trusting China. WTH the USG tolerates the CCP police stations being established all over the US, though the CCP calls them something else: 100s of 1000s of Chinese troops in Guatemala, working out Belt and Road port projects in South America, CCP employees in Canadian federal govt, with salaries and benefits. Millions of foreign Chinese living in the US for various "business" reasons; PhD and post-graduate Chinese students are PLA officers.