I know this was Ireland, but here in America, all people would need is a bit of medical history to understand that your health and your life will be better if you eat well, (no processed foods) and a colorful plate, take a walk outside every day, and believe in and pray to the Lord.

Why we should never take any vaccines:

1. In WWII, plutonium was given to military men and even to babies by the govt. to test it, and without knowledge to the patient.

2. In 1932, the US Health Dept. started the Tuskegee Syphilis Study on black men in Alabama. Twenty men who were left, sued the US Health Dept. They were never treated, were lied to, and many died, including their wives and children.

3. In the 1950s and onward, we were given the polio vaccine. It was grown on Simian monkey kidneys and contaminated the vaccine with Simian Virus-40 which causes soft tissue cancers and is genetically passed to offspring. The government knew and kept growing it the same way. The vaccine wasn't stopped in the US until 2000.

4. Prisoners have often been guinea pigs for new drugs or vaccines.

5. Fauci tested AIDS drugs on foster children. Many died...there was no patient oversight.

Stay away from the Medical Industrial complex. This is just a bit of history and this alone should deter anyone from believing the government fear porn about new viruses.

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excellent sharing Kelleigh....thank you very much. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study on black men in Alabama.

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remains a stain, devastating. deliberate harm

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Add to this the tainted blood supply that the the UK admitted to, and apologized for recently. 1,000 page report on the public domain.

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Yes, I wrote about that, and Clinton did the same with the blood of prisoners with AIDS, unreal.

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Likewise, the tainted blood supply of Hepatitis C before 1982. They knew way before, & many people were infected with Hep C until they finally started screening the blood for it. Just unbelievable!

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Thank you for sharing this. I will screen shot this to share with our son. 🙏🏽

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I reached out to family and offered to help with the complexity and difficulty of proving a causative relationship to the vaccine . We set up a meeting after I had direct contact with world renowned immunologist Prof Suchtar Bhakti and received confirmation of what needed to be done . I suggested that the legal team be involved in the meeting . The day before the meeting it was cancelled without explanation, I suspect on the advice of the legal team and my contact within the family stopped taking or returning my calls . I wonder what they feared from talking to me the only medical doctor to be suspended from the Irish medical register for my refusal to administer the gene therapy.

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Thank you for the efforts you are making, your care and living into your Oath to Do No Harm. Blessing

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You are a hero Doc.

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1:48 MINS

Single greatest testimony ever given in a state capitol by Dr. Richard Bartlett.


3:36 MINS




Select committee on homeland security


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this is a great sharing, I am listening now...

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yet another one how many will it take to wake people up??? all this concerning something we were told was safe and effective whereas it was truly unsafe and defective the facts dont lie thats the job of the media

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once again Clive your words are critical

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Dear Paul, the incidence of unexplained deaths around the world in great numbers is clearly a crime against humanity. Since the vaccine rollout approximately 30 plus family members and friends have died either suddenly or following a terrible illness eg cancer. The incidence of turbo cancer has been phenomenal.

My mother’s sister in Italy had cancer of the mouth and jaw around 2012 and a ghastly operation that destroyed her beauty. It was butchery. She was doing fairly well until the murderous CV19 jabs which no doubt she had many. Around mid-May she become unwell, and whatever evil monstrosity was cultivated in her cells and blood surfaced at an alarming pace. Her voice began to fade, which culminated with issues eating and drinking. She spent weeks in hospital and was discharged recently as the medics could do no more for her.

She said the pain was like no other she had experienced in the past. Her throat was as she described, like being on fire, no food, no water possible to ingest. It travelled into her oesophagus, barely able to speak.

The primary tumour spread at an alarming rate, from the size of a pin head, it expanded and necrotised the left side of her lower jaw spreading upwards. Her entire mouth was swollen and the soft part of her lower lips were swollen too.

The infection had to be drained but the turbo beast spread to the right side of her face. To top it off, the turbo cancer spread to her bones. Morphine was the only way to soothe the evil critter of pain.

She passed away last Thursday 18th Sept, we didn’t make it in time, but her funeral took place last Friday.

Now these evil bastards who created their Frankenstein’s monster to purge humanity need no forgiveness.

One day justice might be served. Until then, we have asked our family and friends to avoid any further jabs of any variety.

God bless you Paul for your sterling work. You are an angel on this earth.


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Sadly, this will go on for a long time as those who took it suffer damage and even death.

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yes, you are very right

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the evil ones are not done, they want mRNA up our xxxx for the rest of our lives.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

All those WokeTards watching the Lying Legacy Media will continue to take the poison death shot. They cannot be saved. All you can do is get some popcorn and enjoy the show. They'll know you were right when they're dying suddenly and unexpectedly.

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14 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

No popcorn for me. It's sad that they could not tell what was going on.

And some still don't.

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I was working for an elderly couple yesterday in the country and was considering the insanity in the world. They came walking up the country road to check the progress and I told them I bet they would not guess what thoughts were going through my mind. I told them I was considering the screwed up mess of the world and the woman told me they were thinking the exact same thing. Later she and I were alone and I waxed long and hard on the fake jab. She opened quickly to me to say different members in her family had suffered illness after taking the jab including her husband who had a stroke right after taking the fake jab and her daughter. She looked at me and told me she had blamed these health problems on the jab as both happened right after it. She knew. Leave it to a woman to have intuitive suspicions.

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Her whole life had been changed for the worst.

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Wasn’t the Johnson & Johnson shot more like a true vaccine containing a bit of the pathogen but no mRNA??

I always thought it was pulled bc it wasn’t like the others & TPTB didn’t want this alternative.

If somehow I’d been forced to have a shot I’d have chosen J&J bc it was ONE shot & was closer to traditional vaccines.

Am I wrong here?

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Unfortunately, J&J is still a genetic viral vector DNA lethal jab. Though, it appears only the mRNAs cause turbo cancer, the vvDNA will kill in different ways.

The only non-genetic jab available in the West is the Novavax,

Stay away from them all, if you want to live.

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I’m no where near taking any of them; no flu or shingles either.

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There's a new shot coming out soon that you may like. See the article at the link in my reply to Susan.

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The US was very slow to produce a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 but eventually did produce Novavax, a protein subunit vaccine. It was the first vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 available in the West although other countries like Russia, China and India had protein subunit and inactivated virus vaccines available quite early. They were light years ahead of the US. All the US made available were mRNA and AVV pseudovaccines. They fail to prevent infection and transmission. Novavax is better but causes more myocarditis than the mRNA jabs. Now, at last, a real vaccine has been produced but not by Americans. The new vaccine is a genuine live attenuated virus vaccine and actually appears to work.

A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants


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I went to the site; I still won’t participate. The more “they” tinker with this coronavirus the more variants we see & the more it appears to hang around.

Natural immunity is best. I haven’t had covid nor my husband; we take supplements recommended by doctors we trust. We are considered elderly. Our friends who took shots show debilitating health issues (3 died) & survivors have had covid more than once.

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Hi Dr. Alexander. Your reputation is being smeared in a Canadian Parliamentary committee on mid dis and Mal information.

NDP MP Mathew Greene outs you in this video recording around the 16 minute mark saying you were spreading lies about the jabs. This clown has no medical degrees and he is still saying how safe and effective the experimental injections were and are. I just wanted you to know the lies being said about you.

Here is the link.


I believe that this is full on defamation and hope you can take action against people like this. Kind of ironic that this is a committee to combat lies and here is this guy spreading lies about you.

Thx for your time

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Look at how many people have autism now. The numbers are staggering! My son, who is almost 27, & very smart, is on the spectrum. He has high functioning Aspergers. He is someone who might keep going along with this. Since he lives independently, we as his parents no longer have control over what he does. It is very scary. We are trying to help educate him & his father has told him not to get any more vaccines. He only got one, as a child, the MMR, & this is what contributed to his development of Aspergers. When Covid was rolled out, he was in college, came home during this to finish up. He was at an age & stage in his life where he really wanted to make his own decisions. He felt that natural compulsion to listen to others, & go against his parent’s influence. It was THE worst time for him to be going through this phase. As a result, he made the choice to ignore our insistence that he not take the new mRNA LNP shots. He got two doses. Much to our horror. His father has reiterated that he not get any more. And so far, as far as we know, he hasn’t. But, these people, on the spectrum, see most things as black & white. They don’t read between the lines or decipher the nuances of what’s going on in the world. Many, are also in the LGBTQ+ community. Thus, why so many are falling into the trans ideology push. It’s not hard to negatively influence people on the spectrum. How many adults are on the autism spectrum now? Is this even being researched? And how many kids with autism or Aspergers are coming into adulthood? With all this craziness going on. And how many of these people live within dysfunctional families & have ignorant, neglectful, or abusive parents? LOTS! These are the people who will keep listening to the propaganda, & go along with agendas. We’re trying desperately to be the counter influence in our son’s life, but we have no control over what he listens to, believes, or does. It’s absolutely terrifying. The evil coming from the media & politicians is diabolical. It needs to stop! The laws need to come back that prevent propaganda on t.v. Ads for big pharma need to cease and desist. Lobbying needs to be stopped. AIPAC needs to go! Term limits need to be installed. And all this evil needs to be addressed. These are such scary times for parents. Good ones at least. The children are confused & getting sucked into the evil agendas. Seems like most of the kids doing the best, are the ones in homes where there is religious faith of some sort. On a positive level. With healthy minded parents. It’s a big task.

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Look up the story of TUAM IN SOUTHERN IRELAND. OK this is Ireland but I am sure other mother and baby homes would have done the same world wide!----Yes, children in Irish mother and baby homes were subjected to medical experiments, including in the Tuam home:

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It would be good if the email/postal address of inquiry was known---people could send opinions etc!

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