Is Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche correct? 'DISEASE X'? Is DISEASE X coming due to the mass vaccination into the teeth (midst) of an ongoing situation of high infectious pressure (circulating virus)
using an ineffective (negative effectiveness) non-sterilizing (don't stop infection or transmission) COVID vaccine (mRNA technology & vaccines by Malone Bourla Bancel Tureci, Weissman Sahin et al.)?
Let me try to explain what I/we are thinking GVB means as to a coming wave and 2nd Smartest Guy in the world does a tremendous job with this topic and I build upon, see below (support 2nd).
What is my thesis? I wrote here with GVB and 2nd Smartest and try to expand and explain and flesh it out for you as best I see it. I must say we all stand on Geert’s shoulders and I remain proud that we are friends, that he remains principled even as the Freedom Fighter doctors and scientists ‘locked’ him out. Imagine the smartest of the group was sidelined because they envy his technical competence, do not understand it, and are completely inept and corrupted, focused on making money in COVID and not listening to GVB’s SAGE insight…
As GVB states: “The fact remains that soon it will become evident how, due to their actions, a fairly harmless virus was transformed into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”
That this coming tsunami of disease post-vaccine is in fact, DISEASE X. At the core is immune escape. GVB calls it the immune escape pandemic (vaccine breakthrough infections) and you can read about it in his book ‘The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic’).
And that governments know the disaster they have caused with this failed COVID vaccine and are trying to misdirect you so that you do not clue in that the coming DISEASE X, is not no NEW disease, but rather the fallout and harms from the initial mRNA vaccine.
Is GVB correct? GVB says we do three things:
1)no more vaccine
2)do not get re-infected
3)we use anti-virals but not when we get symptoms (already have symptoms) but even before. That is, ‘prophylactically’!
Is he correct? 2nd Smartest seems to think so and so do I.
Is Disease X actually real?
Is this what GVB has been clarion calling about? Does the government and its vaccine scientists in pharma Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech etc., and Bourla and Bancel and Malone and Kariko and Sahin and Tureci et al. know this and are preparing us for DISEASE X as some ‘NEW’ disease (no doubt to sell more vaccine and keep this bioweapon functioning to kill us) when in fact it is the devastation and disaster from the INITIAL mRNA COVID vaccine now coming home to roost? Is it the LONG-COVID from the mRNA vaccine that is DISEASE X? Would what is coming, the disease, the illness, the harms, the deaths from the COVID vaccine, dwarf the TURBO cancers we are seeing now? Was GVB correct all along, just timing was off? That with our subverted immune systems due to the vaccine, the auto-immunity driven by the vaccine etc., etc., etc., we as a society, and across highly-vaccinated nations, are about to confront massive fallout and deaths?
GVB refers to this as a form of hyper-acute COVID. GVB has declared that Africa has won, and I agree. Due to poverty, lack of access etc. and biases, African nations have taken far less vaccine and the negative effects have been tempered in such African nations e.g. excess mortality, cancers, myocarditis, strokes etc. from the COVID vaccine.
Whereby mass vaccination (started February 2021 or so across global nations, we call these highly-vaccinated nations) across all age-groups (not focusing ONLY on the high-risk elderly, vulnerable persons as should have been) using a sub-optimal non-neutralizing vaccine (that does not sterilize the virus or eliminate the virus), with elevated infectious pressure (circulating virus) while the population is at the same time mounting an immune response; and in so doing vaccinating ‘within season’ (we never ever vaccinate ‘in’ season, we primarily vaccinate ‘out of season’ when there is no or limited pathogen on the battlefield (circulating), the immunological battlefield, so the landscape is clean (GVB) so that the population can properly mount a population immune response) whereby the population from day one was never given the time to mount a proper functional immune response with vaccinal induced antibodies that have what we call ‘maximal affinity’ or ‘maximal maturity’ or ‘maximal binding’ to the target antigen (in this case the antigen or target is the spike protein and specifically the binding sites (epitopes) on the virus…
This is a critical piece of the puzzle. I write to you in lay terms and not as an immunologist, yet I am heavily worked in the area, and have learnt from GVB so I am trying to explain the key…
whether COVID was true (and we/I argue it was a fake and not a pandemic and we created one with a fraud PCR (false-positive over-cycled) process and the lie of asymptomatic transmission, and whether or not a COVID vaccine was needed (I/we argue not because we have an outbreak or epidemic etc. must we turn to vaccine, we have to use vaccine to fill gaps in the HERD immunity and strategically and we could most times deal with a pathogen allowing it to settle down after 2 to 3 waves (a natural pandemic or epidemic behaves this way, 2 to 3 waves once natural, it will react in a manner to become stable and endemic once we do not interfere with it and allow the evolutionary dynamics at play to in fact, play out) when it enters into a naive population, getting to endemicity, this is a stable evolutionary process, over millions of years, we do not just intervene with a vaccine (we do not just rely on vaccine) unless we understand the evolutionary dynamics, landscape, and dance and interplay at hand between the virus (pathogen) and the population (host) immune response where both react to each other (bi-directional exerted pressure) and change based on the pressure (full or sub-optimal) they place on each other;
‘The pressure exerted by the immune response from the vaccines will impact the evolution of the virus towards variants that can resist these responses.’ (James Lyons-Weiler).
We can never get to HERD immunity (where transmission stops, where one infected person can infect 1 or less person) unless we break the chain of transmission and the COVID vaccines never ever cut transmission and so we could have never ever gotten to HERD immunity with the COVID mRNA vaccines and using boosters only creates more failure and drives emergence sub-variants (viral immune escape)…
Put another way, this sub-variant continued emergence can conceivably continue for 100 more years of variant after variant if we continue using non-sterilizing mismatched boosters…
So GVB (and I have learnt this and understand what he is saying and it makes sense and I am explaining how I understand so bear with me and join in to clarify or add please) is that by using these COVID mRNA technology mRNA vaccines (and DNA viral vector platforms) while there was circulating virus, the catastrophic mistake was that people emerged from clinic (where they got the vaccine) yet did not allow the 5 to 6 to 7 weeks (needed ‘time’ if the indicated duration is too short, I must check with GVB to ascertain the right time line but I think it is 6 weeks) post shot for their vaccinal antibodies to fully mature so that they could neutralize (destroy the virus, prevent infection etc.) the virus. Immediately people went about daily life and were not told that their immunity was not functional until 5 to 6 to 7 weeks post shot, arriving at full maximal maturity.
In other words, one can argue, and yes it must be proven out, that the vaccine may have worked better, and no (or little) variants would have emerged or could emerge if initially, there was proper time for the vaccine induced antibodies to mature fully to neutralize (bind) to the virus. This time the vaccine antibodies never had and now we have a situation with variant after variant where vaccine is given, and vaccine induced antibodies never arrive at ‘full affinity’ for the target antigen.
So, these vaccine-induced antibodies that they attained post vaccine, could not YET deliver LETHAL FORCE to the pathogen (maximal binding or affinity or maturity) as did not get the time post shot to not be in contact with pathogen, to be free of pathogen and just be allowed to fully properly mature and get to full functionality.
It is like loading your weapon as the enemy is on the battlefield. You cannot properly. So, the vaccine induced antibodies would not just stand by idly, it would still try to bind to the virus (that is its job basically) as there would be virus circulating, yet having not gotten to maximal binding (to neutralize the virus) would make life uncomfortable for the virus yet not neutralize/sterilize it. It can bind to the virus, but not eliminate the virus or stop it from infecting etc.
The result is the delivery of ‘NON-LETHAL FORCE’ that places pathogen under some pressure, makes it uncomfortable, but not too much pressure, and this sub-optimal pressure provokes the pathogen but does not eliminate it. The result is that the virus evolves and adapts to the sub-optimal non-lethal force placed on it. In fact, the virus adapts to any form of pressure you place on it, vaccine, non-pharmaceutical interventions etc. If the intervention does not deliver ‘lethal force’, then that sub-optimal force drives immune escape and the emergence of more infectious variants.
There is viral immune escape.
Darwinian Natural Selection will now play a distinct role. Because there is selective pressure. The virus reacts by selecting from among the many variants among itself (remember, the genetic copying mechanism in RNA viruses is very unstable, no spell-checking and thus many mutants), the variants that are ‘fittest’ and hardiest’ and those that have what we call a COMPETITIVE ‘fitness’ advantage. These are enriched in the environment, and these become the new DOMINANT (s) e.g. omicron and its many sub-variants. These sub-variants would be more infectious, and the fear is that they could select for variants that are much more virulent. This could cause not just spread but more severe disease in the vaccinated.
So, between the COVID response that was devastating, flawed, and did not work in any capacity (lockdowns, school closures, masks etc.) and vaccine induced viral immune escape due to the mismatch between vaccine spike (especially via the mismatched boosters that have all failed, now you are up to your 6th shot) and circulating spike antigen, original antigenic sin (immune response or recalled antibodies will be to the initial prime or exposure), pathogenic priming, antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) or disease (ADED) and in this manner, GVB suggests ‘causing enhancement of severe disease (basically, as a result of rapid virus dissemination and replication in all organs).’ etc., we indeed have had a devastating failed situation with the COVID vaccines. They cause serious adverse effects like stroke, bleeding, clotting, myocarditis, aneurysms, paralysis etc.
The fear is that ‘DISEASE X’ is coming and could it be that GVB is correct and that CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada, SAGE UK, NIAID, Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman, Fauci, Kariko, Francis Collins etc. knew that the COVID vaccine would cause a devastating future failure and massive disease. That the sub-optimal vaccine would drive emergence of more infectious and lethal virulent variants that could cause the emergency to continue long-term and could be catastrophic to humanity (especially in high-vaccinated nations). That DISEASE X is actually what GVB has been warning against. That the continuation of the COVID vaccine when it should have been stopped, have selected for variant after variant and one will be infectious and lethal at the same time and cause severe illness and death among the vaccinated.
That the result of the COVID mass vaccination across all age-groups, into the midst of an ongoing elevated infectious pressure (circulating virus), without the necessary time for the vaccine induced antibodies to fully mature and arrive at maximal affinity/binding capacity (so not coming into contact with virus as it matures) and using a non-sterilizing mRNA (ineffective and harmful) vaccine that does not stop infection, replication, or transmission) and does not neutralize the virus, is viral immune escape and the Darwinian natural selection for more infectious variants. Whereby one selected variant could be much more lethal and cause severe illness and death in the vaccinated populations.
That this coming tsunami of disease post-vaccine is in fact, DISEASE X. And that governments know the disaster they have caused with this failed COVID vaccine and are trying to misdirect you so that you do not clue in that the coming DISEASE X, is not no NEW disease, but rather the fallout and harms from the initial mRNA vaccine.
Is GVB correct? GVB says we do three things:
1)no more vaccine
2)do not get re-infected
3)we use anti-virals but not when we get symptoms but even before. Prophylactically.
Is he correct?
See this stack by 2nd Smartest:
This Is Not An April Fool's Gag - Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (
Start 2nd here:
Did you have a fabulous Transgender Visibility Day, uncluttered with any loose talk about one Jesus Christ and his travails in the Roman Levant some 2000 years ago? The Easter Bunny desisted from twerking on the White House lawn this time around, but the Party of Chaos still nailed down the vote of the .000429 percent of the population that identifies as opposite the clerical error made upon their sexual assignment at birth. All in all, this may be the last grotesque frivolity the political class indulges in for a long time to come, and I’ll tell you why.
I had the honor of interviewing the Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche on Friday for my podcast, and he had quite a sobering message. “What I am predicting,” he said, “is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with dysregulated immune systems.
“You commit errors or even crimes at the very small scale, you can hide them,” he said (at around 47:00 minutes into the hour-long discussion). “I have seen this happen with the Ebola vaccination with Africa a number of years ago. . . . However, if you do this at the very large scale, like what has happened with this mass [Covid] vaccination campaign, the truth will surface. And those who have committed these crimes who have been lying to the people, who have not been taking care of the health and safety of the people, will be severely, severely punished. . . . If these people would now go out and say, ‘Yeah, wait a minute, we have been making some mistakes, it wasn’t all right, we have to correct them, we have to revise our opinion,' these people will be stoned in the streets. . . . They can only hope that something will happen that will distract from this issue, but it won’t. . . . The truth will surface: this has been a large-scale experiment of gain-of-function on the very human population. This will be something that will be reported in history for many many generations to come.”
A bit further on (around 55:20 minutes) he says, “You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks. . . is more and more cases of more serious long Covid. . . . They will start to replace the surge of the cancers. . . now we have a more chronic phase. It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave. . . I’ve been studying this now for four years. I know what I’m talking about. I’m probably the only person, in all modesty, who understands the immunology behind this. . . . (At 1:00:12) The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world. . . . It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete. And that is what I’m very clearly predicting. . . . It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m two hundred percent convinced that it will happen.”
Now that you’ve had an ice-cold shower, consider some further implications of this scenario. One is that the government and its public health officials may try to attribute the blame for this to the “Disease X” story they’ve been peddling for about a year, the “next pandemic,” something entirely new. That will not be true. They will be trying to cover their asses. Rather, this next episode will be the result of the epic blunders they already made, beginning in 2020, with the emergence of Covid-19. The variant that causes the coming hyper-acute crisis will be quite different from the original “Wuhan” strain, but it will be a direct descendent of it, having mutated in the bodies of the vaccinated. It was, after all, Dr. Vanden Bossche who declared at the outset of the Covid melodrama in 2021 that vaccinating into the teeth of an ongoing pandemic disease was absolutely the wrong strategy from an immunological point-of-view, and sure to produce a grievous outcome.
Disease X is likely coming due to the mass vaccination in the midst of high infectious pressure, just as you Dr. Paul and GVB and 2nd smartest predict. The solution imposed by our overlords will be new jabs and more lockdowns. It will be ineffective. One reason why lockdowns drive up the mortality rate is they lead to less sunlight exposure. Sunlight reduces transmissibility, morbidity and mortality and speeds recovery from SARS-CoV-2. It produces beneficial effects over and above just those due to Vitamin D.
COVID-19 and sunlight: Impact on SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility, morbidity, and mortality
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche was wrong about predicting the monster variants-- wasn't he? Omicron proved him wrong.
It is puzzling to see him out in front pushing more FEAR PORN on Disease X which only serves the W.H.O./WEF/BillGates/Globalist/Eugenics Agenda to force us to accept the next roll-out of PHARMA drugs and anti-Freedom/Sovereignty lockdowns!
I don't care if he --like Malone -- has been on numerous programs broadcasting his warnings. That does not give his words credibility.
Something is very wrong about pushing more VACCINES after millions have suffered and died from the last roll-out of "emergency use" Pharma/DoD "safe and effective" drugs and protocols! Hasn't he been digesting the dire realworld results of the "pandemic" response?