Is Generation X going to win the election for Trump? It's stunning the polls today and how they have revolted from the democratic/Obama party; why do you think? in 2008 18-29 year olds, who are 34-45
today, voted for Obama by 33 points. In the NYT poll, 30-44 year olds are Trump +5. Generation X is age group that is by far the most likely to vote for Trump according to the latest NYT/Siena poll
Patrick Ruffini says from this above to MAGA in 16 years….
See Ben Jacobs below:
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Obama was developing Iran as he subverted USA...he gave Iran our drone and naval gunboats...those were NOT accidents...he is/was more malevolent against USA than you think
People have seen through Obama's 'hope and change,' it is really 'no hope and loose change.'
Another grifter, what did you expect? A 'Fundamental Transformation?'
'Fundamental Grifting' instead.