Is Karen Kingston lying? Will Malone now sue her for this substack for she is really talking about his evil underpinning mRNA work with Weissman & Kariko, capped off by Bourla, Bancel, Sahin; I mean
which one of you six is the most evil, I look at you beelzebubs as all evil but one must be the leader? Is it Bourla? Weissman? "Did You Know mRNA Injections Can Add Faulty Genes to Your Genome?"
Support remarkable Karen for her great technical work on Malone’s mRNA evil genius madness, and to help her save money for Malone has been trying all ways to Sunday to go after this wonderful brilliant American, and may try suing her, you know how he does role with his moronic idiotic lawyer batting 10-0…I sense soon he may sue SAGE HANA, me, Karen, Couey etc. This guy sits all day long I am told with pen and paper checking off who he can sue next or threaten to sue, you know he loses all law suits…but that don’t stop him…his, so envious of your money…
‘Did You Know mRNA Injections Can Add Faulty Genes to Your Genome?
Pfizer's mRNA nanoparticle injections are gene editing technologies that have artificially induced more than 300 genetic diseases, including ATTR-CM myocarditis, per their own documents.
FEB 6, 2024
February 6, 2024: CEO Albert Bourla knowingly lied to the public when he called Pfizer’s mRNA gene editing injections “vaccines.” Pfizer’s mRNA injections are neither vaccines nor gene therapies. Per Pfizer’s internal documents (and website confessions), the mRNA nanoparticle injections are gene editing technologies that have artificially induced more than 300 genetic diseases (including ATTR-CM myocarditis), as well as thousands of other diseases and injuries across millions of victims.
I find Karen Kingston quite credible and knowledgeable. In late 2020 early 2021 I remember Karen revealing 5 mRNA recipes. She went on to say as soon or if mRNA Bioweapons ever got FDA approval that Pfizer would have a week to produce animal testing from which all the ferrets died. It turns out that in February 2020 The Federal government declared mRNA jabs were in fact Bioweapons. I believed Karen early in the Plandemic and still believe her. May God bless and protect Karen.
I love Karen and her bravery, she is protected by God so she doesn't fear peons like Malone.