It is MASS vaccination with these non-sterilizing vaccines (non-neutralizing antibodies) DURING a pandemic with circulating viral pathogen, will lead to emergence of new infectious variants!!!!!!!!!!!
It's 'infectious pressure' from circulating virus intersecting with mounting 'immune pressure' from vaccinal antibodies in the 'midst' of the pandemic and while 'mass vaccinating', that cause variants
Firstly, by mass vaccination, the vaccinal antibodies can damage the innate antibodies in our children and young people; vaccinal antibodies are antigen-specific and high-affinity for its antigen and can subvert and suppress and outcompete innate antibodies in children and young persons which are very potent, but are broad, non-specific, of low-affinity. Remember, these innate antibodies in children usually protects them from a range of pathogen, not just COVID virus and this can be devastating as will leave them vulnerable to a range of pathogen, some very mild and some problematic. We will end up harming our children and thus my scream, “LEAVE THEM TO HELL ALONE!!!!!!”
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in terms of how you can drive emergence of variants…the 4 Horsemen are:
infectious pressure from circulating virus as we have now (Delta, Omicron)
mounting sub-optimal immune pressure from the non-sterilizing vaccine
vaccinating in the midst or during the ongoing epidemic/pandemic
Using mass vaccination (non-targeted to specific groups) with non-sterilizing (non-neutralizing) vaccines
Mass vaccination with these non-sterilizing vaccines (non-neutralizing antibodies) during a pandemic with circulating viral pathogen, will lead to emergence of new infectious variants and it is ludicrous to conclude that we reduce variants with more vaccination. The more we vaccinate, the less variants is the view of some so called ‘experts’. What lunacy and insanity to conclude this and whoever says this are inept and nonsensical. They are duplicitous and outright misleading the public. They know better than that. Look around, look at the nations with aggressive and elevated vaccine programs. Look at the infections, look at the variants that have emerged. Its akin to the hardening and prolonging of lockdowns when they were killing people.
It is the infectious pressure from the circulating virus intersecting with the immune pressure from the vaccinal antibodies in the midst of the pandemic and while mass vaccination is ongoing, is the reason why variants are and have emerged e.g. Omicron.
We have animal populations that are reservoirs and we now have the risk of the variants recombining and re-assorting in some hosts.
Geert says omicron is an opportunity for humanity as omicron is now resistant to the vaccinal antibodies and due to this, the vaccinal antibodies cannot outcompete the innate antibodies. Innate antibodies work to protect against COVID virus. Innate antibodies can also go through some ‘learning’ and ‘training’ (as can other innate immune effectors e.g. PAMPs) and this training is a very exciting area of research…the thinking is based on the data emerging from UK, Public Health England, that with increased exposure in the unvaccinated, the number of infections etc. is significantly reduced. I appears that the innate immunity training reduces infection risk in the unvaccinated. Due to the enhanced resistance to the vaccinal antibodies, the innate antibodies as per Geert, are now ‘set free’ so the antibodies can help eliminate the virus and is similar to what healthy unvaccinated persons are doing. The resistance to omicron, the vaccinal antibodies cannot outcompete the innate, leaves us freeing up much sterilizing immunity in vaccinated persons, as the vaccinee regains full functioning of their innate immune antibodies. This can lead to population-level immunity (herd).
Remember herd immunity needs sterilizing immunity that could cut the chain of transmission. By freeing up this massive capacity of sterilizing immunity in the vaccinated person, then we will see a decline in infection, cases, hospitalization, severe disease etc. after any increase. Omicron is acting as per ‘Geert’ as a live attenuated vaccine and I agree fully…by freeing up the sterilizing capacity of the innate antibodies in the vaccinees due to the resistance of omicron to the vaccine antibodies, no longer able to outcompete the innate antibodies, we have the chance to build herd immunity. It is key now that we leave children alone, we leave people alone and allow the virus to spread, harmlessly and naturally. Yes I said this, ‘allow this harmless variant to spread’. We must not have any vaccine against Omicron. No lockdowns.
If we vaccinate against Omicron, we will remove the window of opportunity for the population to generate herd immunity…due to freeing up our innate antibodies. The pressure of mass vaccination on the omicron spike itself and on the receptor binding domain (RBD) on the omicron spike, can put enough immune pressure on viral infectiousness, we will give variants that are capable of entering the cell in alternative receptors, to give them a competitive advantage, a fitness advantage so they can become dominant in the population. A competitive advantage to use alternative receptors to enter the cells. This is a real concern. They can then become dominant in the population. We could have antibodies that still bind to the virus RBD strongly, but cannot neutralize the virus (stop/prevent the virus from infecting) as the virus is now using another avenue/domain to enter the cells, a domain/receptor that is different to the ones usually blocked by the antibodies (ACE 2). This is classic ADE. This can be a catastrophic failure. This is where the antibodies do not function to prevent or block infection, but actually facilitate entry into the cells.
Hi Doctor,
You should check out this guy:
Found via Brownstone