It is time, it is time that the inventors of the mRNA technology (e.g. Kariko, Malone, Weissman), all of them, the entire set, linked to the mRNA technology that is the core basis for the COVID mRNA
gene injection vaccine, admit that what they did was deadly, had no basis, was driven by greed and aspects other than benefit for mankind for it certainly has shown it confers no benefit, admit that!
It is time, it is time that the inventors of the mRNA technology, all of them, the entire set, linked to the mRNA technology that is the core basis for the COVID mRNA gene injection vaccine, admit that what they did was deadly, had no basis, was driven by greed and aspects other than benefit for mankind for it certainly has shown it confers no benefit, admit that they did indeed bring death, & tell us what they are doing and will do to fix the devastation their invention has brought onto humanity. IMO
Yes, we go after Baric, Daszak, Fauci, Francis Collins, Birx, Azar, Sahin….all of these beasts with the same vigor to get them into courtrooms. All linked to the vaccines direct or indirect, incluing Rochelle. She cannot run away. We allow no one to escape proper oath questioning. None. Proper courts, proper legal justice. Judges, no kangaroo courts, no public attacks, no, legal courts for fairness. But we punish harshly once shown these people killed needlessly via their lunatic policies and mRNA technology injections.
They have been enriched handsomely by bringing death and God only knows how the funders gave these people TAX-PAYER money for this and how it was allowed out of the bag safety untested. We are tax-payers who gave them all that money and they answer to us, Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. At any time. It is time we ensure they provide us answers as to how and why they are so silent and how come they have not moved to help mitigate the effects of the mRNA technology itself; they created it, they can turn it off, even if Pfizer and Moderna added something or tweaked it molecularly with methylated psuedouridine and molecular caps and the like and encasing mRNA technology in the lipid fatty nano-particle transport vehicle. You and I could at least understand this. The question is ‘WHY’? Why have they refused to take actions that can and could have saved countless lives? I remain as pouzzled as you and wonder aloud if there is money $, big money involved? What can it be to drive this reticence to help at the level of the mRNA technology itself that would have rendered the vaccine moot and non-functional, or at least make it more safer??
Why not focus on the evil people who organized the Covid con and pulled the switch! Fauci should be upfront! His directed fatal medical protocol killed thousands and thousands!
totally Dr. Paul. The Nuremberg laws are supposed to prevent scientists and doctors from creating certain drugs etc. which violate humanitarian laws, which imo they all did by inventing the mRNA.