Jamie Foxx Stroke update - Jamie had a very serious stroke on April 11, 2023 - after months of rehab, he put out a video - let's look at UK Govt Disability Data on strokes & other blood clots in 2022!
William Makis (TWC with me) discusses Jamie Foxx's vaccine status and the risks involved as well as exploding stroke data potentially due to blood clots post shot (due to the spike protein)
June 1, 2023 - NEWS: Actor Jamie Foxx had a stroke leaving him partially paralyzed & blind after being forced to take a COVID-19 vaccine for a movie role with Cameron Diaz
The level of stupidity in western society is now outside the red zone. It only makes sense if you understand that the globalists are in a rush to destroy the West, and people in western governments are essentially just there for the money (to get paid they have to push globalist agendas via WHO etc, so that's what they do. "Safe and effective!").
The fun loving Jaime Foxx, whom we all love is gone. The men in black must have threatened him with his daughter’s life to keep his mouth shut about taking the shot. I hope he detoxes from the poison and can stay alive. Life can change in a breath.