'Jen Psaki says some Republicans are supporting Trump because ‘maybe he will die’', well reds, you know 45 soon to be 47 is coming after you & Huma & Harf etc, but while on topic of who will die, why
did you not say Obama may die, or Hilary, or Biden? Why Trump? You have such a fetish and crush on him? Why not Biden? He is sick, old, quasi-senile in our face, why not him? Is it ok to say this
about 45? and you know Reds you and your crew, you know the other one Marie Barf, yes, I know its Harf, but I prefer Barf, you know you girls have splaining to do…hope 45 soon to be 47 gets in for we want you under oath reds…don’t you think you got away…maybe this is why they are supporting Uncle Joe, they think he might die…just like 45…don’t you think Reds?
btw, I hope you understand we chuckle when you talk Reds, you are as close to a moron as they come…
This Marie Barf (Harf), they thought when the idiot jokes were too much, to put a set of glasses on her, fake ones too…oh well, did not help, Barf:
Trump has said he'd go to jail over the Unconstitutional Gag Order from Judge Merchan, because the Constitution is more important than anything else. But this really worries me--it's an easy setup for an assassination, Secret Service or no Secret Service. And "they" are perfectly willing to get rid of Trump any way they can.
What a psack of pshit.