Kamala Harris & Biden & Obama gave the Taliban tens of billions $ in high tech US equipment when Harris & Biden cut & ran & caused 13 soldiers to be killed; Obama did same, he gave Iran the US
air force drone and the 2 naval gunboats. to be used on USA; yes, Obama ordered military he installed to land the drone and give Iran the technology and run the 2 gunboats aground & give Iran
Now let me remind you who Obama is, he gave Iran our Air Force drone technology and naval gunship technology so that Iran can develop it and use against Americans…
The drone did not crash or was never shot down…read, it landed…it landed…Obama gave it…we need to know which military officers were involved….this must never be forgotten…
Our country has had many traitors to the nation, including DEMs and REPs. The myth that "Vote REP to see good things happen!" has simply got to end. It is delusional and it is a fat LIE.
Recent Fat Rat criminals in US government include the Clintons (both of them!), the Bushes (both Presidents), Obama (of course!), Mitch McConnell, Ryan, Johnson, Biden (of course!), Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Holder, Rice, Clapper, and hundreds upon hundreds of others - it's a very long list.
The # 1 problem with our country is that THEY ARE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH THEIR CRIMES.
If heads start to roll - REALLY start to roll - then watch as many of our problems disappear overnight.
But we haven't seen the head of a Fat Rat roll for a VERY long time. Under Trump, NOT A SINGLE Fat Rat was ever held accountable or paid the price. *THAT*, ladies and gents, is the core of our problems.
Trump talked about this at his North Carolina Rally on 8/22/24. obama is EVIL and HATER of AMERICA