Kate Middleton is dying, we will not fool ourselves & has the Türeci Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman Sahin Karikó et al. mRNA technology mRNA vaccine hastened her cancer & death?
When will Malone & Bourla & Bancel et al. sit under oath to answer questions for TURBO cancers are exploding due to mRNA & is Princess Kate now a victim? Will anti-helminth anti-parasite Ivermectin
really turn out to be a potent anti-cancer drug? It may well be, for in early treatment, I have argued it was abused in terms of carte blanch use etc. in persons who did not need it and way long in the sequelae (assuming we go with the COVID virus recognizing that COVID pandemic was a PCR manufactured fraud fake devised to topple Trump)…IMO antibiotics were the key aspect for likely bacterial pneumonia in advanced COVID…based on my understanding….(key as to why TWC’s emergency preparedness kit flushed with antibiotics we could not get during COVID must be in your medicine chest)…let us see, hopefully…let us hope the proper studies will finally be done on these treatments that could be definitive and clarify utility…let us hope Kate lives as long as possible and let us bring Malone and Bancel and Sahin et al. into proper legal settings and find out what they knew and when they knew it as to the harms of mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine (e.g. reverse transcription of mRNA etc.) and force them under oath to explain why the proper long term safety studies were never done. On technology and vaccine. It is time.
No fan of the Royals, but sincerely wish Princess Kate a full and speedy recovery.
The Fenbendazole Support Group on Telegram has many members reporting dramatic cancer recoveries. Some using Ivermectin too.