KILLING FIELDS due to COVID fraud manufactured virus, intentional leak, fraud pandemic response, all lies, failed lockdowns, fraud ineffective COVID gene injection, harmful vaccine; killed our parents
KILLING Fields and the COVID Taliban, mad insane people empowered by the lunacy of the government officials, the 'Karens' around us and the 'Kens', deranged at times. Acting a lunatic fool for what?
Do not forget this, these beasts in our governments killed our vulnerable people, enriched themselves with Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic), sedation with morphine and midazolam, intubated and ventilated our people and blew holes in their lungs.
The mid-terms terrible results were due to the pain and suffering people still feel due to the failed pandemic response e.g. lockdowns and vaccine and no one, not even POTUS Trump has taken ownership. That is the only way republicans will see power again. Republicans own the pandemic disaster. Imagine, failed border, high gas, inflation, cost of living, crime on streets, a bumbling incoherent declining POTUS and republicans could not win? Women, unmarried women were right to say NO, and vote for democrats, for they fear that more freedoms will be encroached upon. Unmarried women broke for democrats. Why do you think? When people say ‘no, SCOTUS, no one will outlaw abortions, relax, do not fear’, women do not believe that. If I were a woman, I would also not trust and I am pro-life as a man. I understand though their concerns. Very real.
Our liberties and freedoms were decimated in the pandemic response and no one is to believe anyone anymore, until the right people own up to the devastations of COVID. This is a debate about freedoms and how a republican POTUS took it away or allowed it to be taken away by Fauci and Birx. Oh, they hollowed him out just good. They toppled him. He just does not know it. As I said before, July 2020 there was no path to victory, I was there, and the internals said was due to the lockdowns and pain and suffering of school closures and the loss of freedoms. They toppled Trump by taking away freedoms and by extension, hurt the republican party long-term.
They did it with the lockdown lunacy, and Fauci and Birx and Francis Collins ensured republicans will never see power again. Not only toppled Trump, they set the loss up for good. You just do not see it yet!
I disagree with all the blame on Trump. It is like saying you, Dr. A are responsible for the whole mess. You listened to all these smart, scientists and believed them all from the start. Did YOU KNOW they were LIARS, or even Democrats in disguise??? If you were a business man and did not have any clue in science, wouldn't you believe it was the right thing? These brilliant people, they are leaders in their fields, anyone would believe till you started to see the hurt and damage. I cannot and will not blame Trump for believing leaders in their fields that fed him constant misinformation. I see it from another side. Trump now should be discouraging the shots, that I agree with, because now a lot of true information is out. As for biden and the dems, the facts remain they continued the hurt and dehumanization and destruction of the shots and masks and shutdowns BECAUSE IT BENEFFITTED them. They saw the possibilities of power and wealth and held on for dear life. They are the true evil. I realize I will probably be in the minority with my beliefs but Trump helped this country when every other president lied, cheated and stole from us. He built us up, but he is not a politician, he is but a man. He has his faults as we all do, I will not blame him for what these dems have been plotting for a long time.
Not to quibble here but I have been using the term "Culling Fields" for the past couple of years for that is what it has clearly been about since the inception of the plandemic. Millions have been harmed, livelihoods and small businesses destroyed, multiple generations eviscerated, all in the name of a health emergency of global concern, or whatever convenient moniker they gave it. No matter what one calls it, culling the herd has been the primary objective and we have thus far only seen the beginnings of it coming to pass.