Love you all but I speak the truth, I am not a sycophant who cannot think: POTUS Trump made a mistake picking Vance, optics are very important! Vance is a good man, but he was the WRONG choice for 45
needed to appeal to women, he needed to appeal to minorities & this is the fact, someone who could mitigate, neutralize Kamala Harris, issue was NEUTRALIZING Harris & Trump CANNOT, Vance CANNOT
At this time, based on the landscape, Vance was the wrong choice. Does not matter all the ‘good’ things about him. And it is made more challenging by the statements he has made across time and for them to bring out his wife to speak up about him means they understand something is wrong.
IMO, today, Kamla Harris can win. Harris is going to rebuild the blue wall, the Obama contingent, the Obama coalition, the ‘hope and change’ bullshit but she can. Be warned. Even if she is down in the polls and it is Trump’s to lose, he can lose. Vance IMO cannot help him and this is the key. Trump has gotten nothing from Vance on ticket. This is a problem IMO. I beg Republicans not to be lulled into a sense of complacency. Harris can win. She was to come after Biden won and he was to step down in one week after January 20th 2025, but not now, and so Trump et al. have been caught flat footed. Bait and switch, misdirection…
IMO, Trump should have picked a woman, at the least, or a minority woman as his VP. This would have allowed him to focus only on her (Kamala’s) record in California and as VPOTUS, and let his VP neutralize that minority and female aspect of Kamala. But now, it will be front and center of the campaign…and could be a potent one. Especially how Trump and Vance handles, and responds to it.
Harris is eligible to be POTUS, she is natural born. Close that argument, but Obama is another story, I think he was never eligible to be POTUS.
hhhmmmm always was unsettled, put a pin in that…
Back to the Vance choice, good man IMO, love his life story but wrong choice for now…for this era and time….it’s that simple. It is about the win and today, Trump has zero to neutralize the ethnic aspect of Harris and female, with. And she will punish him with it. We asked and pushed for him to chose a woman, but he was badly advised with this pick, and IMO, there are many potent women available, white, black, Indian, does not matter, but needed to neutralize the woman aspect and optimally the ethnic aspect. This could get out of hand, Trump could lose control of this as it can be exponential. It is about optics too, not just competence.
This is not about showing weakness by Trump. No.
At the least, he must start naming members of his cabinet and make some minorities. Appear with them. Maybe not eliminate Vance but show these people with him in the rallies etc. Give them air-time.
He must get Vivek, Haley, Tulsi and all minorities etc. and women on stage with him, and these people are good people, strong, for each rally, first hour, have them on stage plus Joe the Plummer types…ordinary citizens, change up debate format, tell us about them again, give them 10 minutes each and tell us how you will give them senior posts etc….not Tim Scott and those minorities who are government insiders….no, real people now….blue color, fly over country…to talk about what they think you bring to America….no congressperson or senator….they are part of the problem….Trump to then spend last 30 minutes speaking (not 1.5 hours) but optics is key now for democrats will run their campaign on optics, special interests, ‘groups’, identity politics…Kamala is fronting Trump with her minority status and woman status. And he has no answer. Name calling will not do it. Focusing on her deadly record in California and as VP with the border yes, and economy, and cost of living, and inflation etc. and lies about Biden’s mental fitness when he was not…all that is needed but he needs to counteract the ethnicity and gender issue…
and if the Democrats chose to make COVID a center piece, if they open up COVID and the destruction the response caused as well as the vaccine, then this is a huge problem as the RNC white-washed any COVID or vaccine talk and that was harmful…this is a serious mistake they made. Not because it is and was uncomfortable a topic, means you just omit it from discussion. No. COVID remains very important to Americans who lost lives due to the fraud of COVID and all aspects of it.
You may not like to hear it (what I said above), but this is a fact and neither he Trump nor Vance can counteract this (minority and gender issue) at this time. Yes, the Walz VP pick is like a gift for he has a devastating record but he Trump, has to neutralize Kamala and this is where his VP pick was going to be key. Vance cannot prosecute Kamala, he lost that race by the statements he made that are now on record. No matter how we try to spin for Vance, it’s like climbing Hadrian’s wall to get around. So Trump must look at other ways forward.
So he Trump has to get the minorities up on stage for each rally…especially women…for this is how it plays…even if democrats are putting up terrible candidates, they have their ear to the street and considering the optics too…and in some sense rightly for you cannot tell me that in a nation of 350 million, with half being female, there are not women suitable for the job as VP on Republican side and that woman could have been white…I did not mean a minority…but at least a woman…equal to Vance or even better. And it is long term, do you think Rubio, Vivek, et al. all these younger driven capable people, male and female, will sit on the sideline in 4 years? No, they will potentially move to primary Vance and it could get messy…as we spoke of before, this VP pick had to be someone who could be ready to serve day one but also, we can see 4 to 8 years into the future as POTUS. The pick said there were no female Republicans or Conservatives capable of being VPOTUS, or no minorities now, either gender. This is simply not true, and the fact that they were not picked means just what I stated. Winning is important and you come to the game to win. Not just to play. With all Vance’s strengths, he was not the right pick based on what is the landscape today.
Crowd size means nothing, it is who you can turn out. Republicans are already behind on the ground game, mail-ins, harvesting etc. and so there was no room for error.
This is just my opinion. I am behind any ticket with Trump at the lead, but I wanted to say this clearly. And I may be wrong.
Love POTUS Trump, the only option! He is what we need to seal the border and mass deport.
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You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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Picking a woman, just to pick a woman, is DEI.
...saying this as a woman...
What’s the point in bringing up now? Move forward and come up with solutions.