Many, a vast sum of high-risk, vulnerable persons died with COVID due to bacterial infection pneumonia secondary to viral infection, we knew this even from SPANISH FLU; McCullough awakens the sleeping
giant as cause of massive deaths & why? Because corrupted inept IMO malfeasant CRIMINAL medical doctors refused to treat with antibiotics; reason antibiotics were core to EARLY TREATMENT, Platt et al.
‘Bacterial and fungal pulmonary co-infection are under-recognized complications in critically ill patients with COVID-19.’
‘By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Inpatient COVID-19 protocol-driven care has been heavily criticized for being nihilistic, use of unsafe and ineffective remdesivir, and cruel in it’s treatment of patients and families. Now a new concern has been brought forward by the National Institutes of Health Autopsy Consortium—secondary bacterial and in some cases invasive fungal infections not recognized clinically before death.
Platt et al summarized autopsy findings in 55 fatal cases where death occurred on average 18 days after admission to the hospital.
“Pulmonary co-infection was detected premortem in significantly fewer cases (15/55, 27%) than were detected postmortem (36/55, 65%; p < 0.0001). Among cases in which co-infection was detected postmortem by histopathology, an organism was identified in 27/36 (75%) of cases. Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequently identified bacteria both premortem and postmortem. Invasive pulmonary fungal infection was detected in five cases postmortem, but in no cases premortem.”
In 44% of the missed cases, there was no appropriate antimicrobial coverage for a hospital acquired pneumonia. Thus, this is another deficiency of hospital care and an area for critical review of historical cases and improvement in the care of future ones.’
Excellent substack, please support.
Key study for this report:
Actually, throughout the first (public) year (it had already been around for years under a different name), virtually all the people it killed came from the very select group of very elderly, very sick, and adaptive immune-compromised people that, year in, year out, are killed by common colds. And it killed them in numbers consistent with previous years.
If you had never heard of C19, you would have had about as much of an idea of its existence as you do of most of the other ~200 common cold viruses (including the other Coronaviruses we’ve had since forever) that behave in the same way with very old, very sick, and immune-compromised people.
But here’s the REALLY important thing this time around. In previous years, there was little that could be done to protect these people. But this time it was discovered that hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and a few other common, cheap, safe, and widely used medicines were effective against common cold viruses.
Note that I do NOT say “against C19,” because it wasn’t until 2001 and later that C19 could be reliably distinguished using antibody and PCR tests.
ALL that shut down of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and testing brouhaha was solely for creating the perception of a great danger that Covid Inc claimed could be avoided only by use of their viral RNA products--products that, by their very nature, could do little to help this very vulnerable group of patients (on the one hand, their adaptive immune anergy made it difficult for them to develop an effective adaptive immune response, and, on the other hand, caused their healthy cells in multiple organ systems to become infected with viral genes, hijacked to produce viral proteins inside cells, and targeted by the innate immune system to kill all those product-compromised cells, something that genuine viral protein vaccines did not do.
So the elderly, sick, adaptive immune compromised people not only had to run the risk of the actual C19 virus, they also had to suffer two serious strikes against their health from the primary mechanism of action of the viral RNA products.
But to make matters even worse, they were prevented, by those trying to move their lame, scarcely working, and deadly products, from availing themselves of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that showed efficacy both in prevention and treatment of common respiratory viruses and left to die like they had been dying for decades.
Also remember in the early going back in 2020 that antibiotic supplies were hard to find..... due to shipments of ingredients from China being delayed due to the horrendous lockdowns. China didn’t seem to have that problem of course , since over 90% of Pharma ingredients are sourced from over there.
I would hope that has changed and countries increase the supply and look at different countries to source from.