Maria Van Kerkhove, what a mindless dolt, dimwit moron of a WHO psycopath advisor! Yes, I am insulting her for she deserves, she is telling you WHO's position AFTER WHO got it ALL wrong! Masks? Is she
insane? For who? ventilate what? your home or put you on a ventilator that kills? vaccinate? who? is this nutball for real? boost each 6 months for what? using what? a non-sterilizing mRNA
vaccine that is mismatched with the circulating sub-variants if you accept what is being reported. I don’t. But lets play. Boosters that fail, based on rodents, 8 mice etc. no human relevant data. Is this crazy lady as insane as her words seem to suggest? After all that WHO got wrong? This post by this nutjob made me feel to laugh and cry all at once.
Nothing she said, I mean nothing, is backed by any science, and I mean not one report or study. Yet she is WHO, so can spout this drivel tripe bullocks. All the vaccines contain the Malone, Weissman, Kariko et al. deadly mRNA technology used to under-pin the mRNA vaccines by Moderna, Pfizer etc. (Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc.). These WHO people are not just stupid, they are ‘special’ stupid…I guess her insanity is matched only by the US congress’s…no?
Thank you Dr. PEA for calling a dangerous wack-job... a dangerous wack-job.
Her tweet doesn't mention Vitamin D, other supplements, or any other proven means such as good sleep habits, eating healthy foods or avoiding useless harmful injections as a means of maintaining good health and immunity.