'Matt Gaetz is a hero' (American Thinker) by Patricia McCarthy; There has to be a line drawn in the sand because the toleration of lies, stonewalling half truths, and the disgusting selfish, power
seeking UNIPARTY politicians who want individual wealth at the expense of this Republic and the honest citizens who expected transparency. Which repubs & democrats in UNIPARTY on the take re UKRAINE?
‘So, eight conservatives have successfully ousted Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House and much of the conservative punditry is angry!
What does that tell us?
It tells us that all those RINOs who voted to retain McCarthy are not conservatives. That any member of Congress can and does vote to perpetuate the brutally irresponsible spending of the uniparty that runs the swamp which should be a wake-up call for all Americans.
Congress can't stop spending and the Fed can't stop printing money to do it. Modern monetary theory is a joke; printing money backed by nothing is a dangerous way to operate. It’s a pathway to catastrophic economic failure. We are nearly there. What is so shocking is that several of our most prestigious conservative columnists and commentators agree with the RINOs; There's Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, and John Hinderaker, for example. Each of them are fiscal conservatives who grasp the nature of the disaster that is the Biden administration. And yet they are mad at Matt Gaetz! He is the sanest and bravest member of this Congress.
Is it because they all are Fox News pundits? We all know that the Murdochs are Trump-deranged. Every Fox host – Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade, for example – is anti-Gaetz.
What’s up? Have they been warned against supporting McCarthy’s ouster? Seems plausible. Despite their citizenships of convenience, the Murdochs are not Americans; they could not care less about the survival of this nation. They are globalists, part of the WEF – proponents of a one world government that they control. The Republicans who are on board with the WEF surely would love Kevin McCarthy and fear Matt Gaetz like they do President Trump.
What if everything is about perpetuating the war in Ukraine?
We all know now that Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in U.S. history. He has taken millions of dollars from China, Ukraine, Romania; those are just the nations we know about. The man and his family are a terrible blight on this country. He was installed, not elected. He is the puppet of the globalist left. He says and does what he is ordered to say and do by his globalist masters. That should be obvious to everyone.
What if the reason for sending billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine is all about blackmail, a cover-up of the Biden family malfeasance? At this point in time, this is very likely the reason the Democrats and the RINOs are willing to keep further bankrupting the U.S. in order to keep Ukraine placated.
Is it possible that every RINO who voted to keep McCarthy as Speaker is on the take? Indeed, it is. How else do we explain the uniparty’s compulsive drive to spend billions of dollars we do not have to appease them? Ukraine is losing the war and of course losing thousands of lives, a generation of young men, to a lost cause. Is it possible that every member of Congress who votes for the billions for Ukraine profit from war? War is just an opportunity for them; it’s just dollars.’…
Same in the UK a UNIPARTY. I guess Brexit, Trump and COVID woke a lot of people up and now people are drawing back the curtains all over the show and what we see is a political class devoid of virtue and consumed by vice.
It looks like the grand old party isn't so grand, just old and they don't want to hear that the party is OVER!! We are done with conservatives who aren't conservative. DONE!!