Mayorcas and Biden INC.: why would Biden, Obama, Mayorcas et al. conspire to kill Americans with their illicit invasion of America with rapists, jihadists, murderers? A sitting POTUS Biden INVADED USA
No sane nation will allow in 3 years, 10 million illegals to pour across the border, not even Merkel did it, not this many! Biden has lit the funeral pyres of millions of Americans, GUARD the vaginas
of your girls, because the North African animal, the North African muslim beast, the radical muslim North African that screws his goats, that one, came to the border, the Middle Eastern 6th century medieval animal, that one, is at the door, yes, the wolf is at the door, and he is coming for the vagina of your girl, your baby girl…gang rapes are booked in America, terror attacks, killings and when they happen, the media and Biden INC. and it may happen under Trump for Biden set the trap…the media and RINOs and democrats and all who hate and seek to destroy USA will say ‘oh, do not be so hard on them, they are mentally ill’…I say hang them too…put them in courts and find a way to capture them in inciting and causing the deaths for it is coming…
I warn you, the vaginas of your girls are in the cross hairs of the islamic North African and Middle Eastern medieval animal…and yes, many illegals from Latin America…rapists, murderers…not all, but just one is too much…
teach your girls the 2nd, teach her to shoot and handle guns, to kill once life is threatened…gang rapes are booked for the blond ones, the blue eyed ones, the Middle Eastern beast likes them so. The Middle Eastern illegal raped their way across Europe and now in America due to Biden. Obama too. Obama’s goal was to nuclearize Iran and allow jihadists into America knowing Tasfeen et al.. will kill Americans. Why? A POTUS? History will record Obama (and Paul Ryan) s 2 of the most dangerous men ever in America to have political power…one as POTUS, one as Speaker. Deadly.
I think the biggest wake up call…and it’s happening to a lot of people… is when you realize the government doesn’t give a shit about you and doesn’t care if you live or die. Rather….actually they do care if you live because they want you dead.
I spoke to someone who works under Myorkas and he said that nothing is going to be done about the illegals entering our country until October just before the election, if then. Biden wants them here for more democrat voters. Myorkas is told what he can say and he is not allowed to use certain word when talking about the borders such as, ‘crisis’ or ‘invasion’ .
It’s sad what they are doing to our country. I don’t know how we as citizens can stop this corrupt administration, we just have to vote them out and get Trump back. 🙏