Merry Christmas to everyone and yes, let us celebrate the holiday and our families and hold and kiss them without masks, hug and rub our faces together again, hold our mothers and fathers tight
Powers in Uncle Joe's world and government want to stop that, those in Trump's past government stopped it, Adams, Fauci, Birx, these people were idiotic inept corrupt people, they hurt us, kids died
Celebrate our Christ child…yes, Jesus Christ, and with deep respect for all religions, all…for your faith and Gods, your prophets, all…deep respect. Blessings to all. We must respect each’s right to their faith.
Merry Christmas to everyone and yes, let us celebrate the holiday and our families and hold and kiss them without masks, hug and rub our faces together again, hold our mothers and fathers tight for the powers at be in Uncle Joe’s world want to stop that, so do it, prove them wrong, hold your families and friends and go visit and defy them, these corrupted technocrats, these faceless bureaucrats, these sick twisted absurd elitists…defy all of them, all that is illogical and unscientific. Always protect the vulnerable and high risk as we always do, yes, we have to, so do it again, but the rest of society, with early treatment, and good reasonable common sense and precautions, go on, live life free, open up, toss the useful masks, they never worked here, toss them, and get on with life for we lost much the last two years. Yes, protect the vulnerable and its not the governments role, it is ours and we do our best and the rest of low risk society live on as normal as possible. There is some urgency now, time to ‘get living’…I end by saying huge love and hugs and respect to you all and the very best 2022…
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Gratitude for all you do!! 🙏🏻
Merry Christmas Dr. Alexander!!