Metabiota? What? The devil is saying he is now examining Hunter and Metabiota etc. and Hunter's role in pandemics; devil just texted, he don't want Hunter in hell, ever, never send him there, not
even lucifer himself, the devil thinks hell is for Hunter, devil says a new place needs to be built to handle that type of deviancy and crookery, for the Bidens....hell is off-limits to Hunter
the devil thinks Hunter will corrupt hell.
The Biden’s, Clinton’s & Obama’s are The epitome of Evil. These people became millionaires during their tenure. Where’s their Taxes? Why hasn’t there been a special counsel, an appointed Prosecutor General to investigate how they entered into The White House as Government Officials with salaries far less than a million dollars and now they own mansions in five or six different states worth millions of dollars each?
Answer: Funding & Building BioWeapon Laboratories in The Ukraine 🇺🇦
Quid Pro Quo for BigPharm BigOilCorps #Burisma
Selling 25% of our Uranium to Russia 🇷🇺 “Uranium One Deal”
ChildTrafficking ... Hillary Clinton’s “Code name: Evergreen.”
Did anyone catch the name of the huge cargo ship that became stuck in The Suez Canal? It was abandoned by the ship’s captain & the hands on deck. It was drawing too much attention.
It was allegedly carrying hundreds of containers with little children inside. Many, who perished during the time that the ship was stuck.
The FakeNews Mockingbird Media & Fake Websites such as Snopes Reuters & others who are receiving money from The Deep State, Global Elites, WEF members such as Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, The Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Vanderbilt’s, DuPont’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s Bush’s Biden’s etc., are very evil people.
Child Trafficking is the most expensive crime. The name of The Ship’s Company is “Evergreen.” The actual cargo ship was named “Ever More.”
Coincidence? Not in a million years!
Hillary & Bill Clinton went to Haiti for their honeymoon. Hillary wanted to learn about Voodoo & Witchcraft.
They used the Haiti Earthquake to raise millions of dollars but The Haitians claimed that they didn’t receive any funding for rebuilding their homes or streets.
A woman who was linked with The Clinton’s was stopped by police after they became suspicious about many little Haitian children being taken away from Haiti.
The Clinton’s use their power to get the woman off for trafficking children.
That’s some good stuff right there! I concur with that statement.