Monkey-pox (MPOX) politics AGAIN? Now they screaming about a new mutation & pandemic potential? Well, seems emerging from the Congo & let me be clear with HOMOSEXUAL, GAY, & BISEXUAL men: I will tell
you as an infectious diseases specialist, evidence-based medicine expert, what the corrupted, inept, incompetent, specious, corrupted, biased idiots & dolts at Health Canada, CDC, SAGE UK, FDA, NIH,
PHAC etc. will not tell you and here goes and if you can listen again (see my prior stack), try one more time, you will get it right this time and no need to fuss and become hysterical due to the inept and sub-optimal public health response and support you prior got. But remember, it is me you are getting this from, so I got to tell you that control of any, more ‘infectious’, Monkey-pox starts with you, your sexual behavior and your multiple sex partners and abrasive sex contact so here goes:
All HOMOSEXUAL, GAY, TRANS, BISEXUAL males in America, Canada, UK etc. need to do to mitigate and stop transmission should the more infectious version arrive at our shores (private homes, gay bathhouses) is:
1)STOP having multiple sex partners, stop your promiscuity; estimates are that one gay male has hundreds of male partners per year…I do not know how to clarify this and if so, this must stop
2)have NO sex contact for the next 6 months to head off this more infectious strain (if indeed it is); can you abstain for 6 months or if not, just have ONE sex partner
3) get the CDC and FDA and Health Canada and Health officials etc. to issue consistent PSAs on methods to reduce high-risk behavior as I share here
4)DO NOT engage in rough sexual contact when you do, no biting, no hitting, no abrasive skin to skin contact that GAY males tend to engage in
5)if you manifest overt symptoms such as boils, pustules, vesicles filled with fluid and pus etc. at or near the anus opening, nearby, perineum (space between the balls and rectal opening see here)
6)BISEXUAL males must not engage in sexual contact with your monogamous wife or partner if you are having intercourse with your female partner yet visiting bathhouses etc. Stop! You did this with HIV (and we ask you DO NOT do this with monkey-pox etc.) and we noticed it moved to some monogamous housewives because some reckless dangerous males who were BISEXUAL, did not tell her he was having sex with men also, and he infected her, his low-risk wife, with HIV. A housewife who is pregnant, is the lowest risk person in any society for she is monogamous. We use her as sentinel surveillance to assess the spread of infection (especially STDs) into the general population for she is NOT to ever become infected with certain sexually transmitted infections for she is very low-risk, housewife, often married, not promiscuous, and has only one sex partner. We were shocked when HIV was found in the low-risk pregnant heterosexual housewife for the first time and we knew her man was BISEXUAL and deceiving her having male to male GAY relationships unknown to her.
7)no skin-to-skin contact whatsoever among the HOMOSEXUAL, GAY, BISEXUAL community for 6 months once evidence emerges that the infection is within USA, Canada etc.
8)Engage in acute surveillance of all contacts (contact tracing), acute, immediate within the GAY, HOMOSEXUAL, Tranny, BISEXUAL community. If you have overt symptoms e.g. pustules, have NO, zero contact with anyone for 6 months.
testicles, penis shaft, mouth from penis-oral sex, body, do not touch them, do not cause them to burst as the content is what is highly infectious. Do not burst the pustules or in sexual contact, cause them to be burst by rough abrasive skin-to-skin contact sex.
If you do these 8 as outlined above, then you will stave off any nascent emerging strain of monkey-pox…key is NO sexual contact and if the GAY BISEXUAL and TRANNY population can do this for 6 months, it can always mitigate spread of basically any sexually transmitted infection when it comes around. IMO, no GAY sex is the only way to stop this entirely, in other words, no penis-anus sex in male-to-male skin sexual contact given the risk in that community. It is the high-risk of breakage of pustules due to the type of skin-to-skin contact that is the key driver. The abrasive sexual contact. In Monkey-pox.
The good news is that monkey-pox remains a HOMOSEXUAL infection/disease and not HETEROSEXUAL. Let us work on these 8 above to keep it so.
Again, monkey-pox is an infection/disease relegated to the GAY, HOMOSEXUAL, tranny community. Tans men are GAY men and engage in GAY sex. So, they must be included. Do not be fooled or misguided by the woke, deranged, biased, politicized media and health agencies, it is not a heterosexual concern. The HOMOSEXUAL community can handle this if they respond appropriately and engage in the low-risk behavior as outlined above.
Nearly one quarter of all Americans identify as LGBT in the younger age bracket (gen z) and this proportion has been steadily increasing over time. See stats at the link. I suspect that the proportion who perpetrate gay activities but who do not yet identify as LGBT is much higher especially among American males and it may even be the norm. One gen z male said to me, and I quote, "I'm proud to be a fag and I'm proud that the US is an LGBT nation and setting an example for the world." In contrast a baby boomer tld me that he enjoys fellating other males but does not consider himself gay because he also likes to have sexual relations with women. There would no doubt be large numbers just like him but who are into sodomy. They'll engage in sodomy and then have relations with their wives and girlfriends. I'd like to think that Americans would take your advice Dr. Paul but I can't see it happening.