Monkeypox (MPOX) & I have written ad nauseum on this & will touch on it again as the real question as the global malevolent evil feral beasts (CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada, PHAC, SAGE etc.) try to
bring lockdowns & some semblance of a Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Weissman Karikó Ozlem Tureci et al. type mRNA technology vaccine & lockdowns & the like! It remains a GAY BI-SEXUAL problem, not yours!
No Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine, no vaccine for that matter, no lockdowns, no school closures, nothing for bi-sexual driven monkeypox, just warn the tranny bi-sexual at right group…give them information…
No monkeypox vaccine in general low-risk population, none in adults or children…why? why no monkeypox vaccine is needed? well in children for example, if their INNATE immune system (innate antibodies and natural killer cells (NK cells) is allowed to be trained naturally and not obstructed from this natural exposure ‘education’, and being exposed to other glycosylated pathogen, viruses, but as they get more and more infected with COVID naturally (exposed), they will be able to train their innate immune system (innate antibodies and NK cells) more and more and thus will not need monkeypox vaccine, these glycosylated pathogen have motifs (share similar surface glycans, sugars, surface patterns that are recognized by the innate immune cells etc.) that are very similar that are shared and can all be recognized by cellular effectors in the innate immune response e.g. innate immune cells…
re-infection does the job and perfect for the unvaccinated! repeat natural exposure infection (training of the innate immunity) leaves children well-armed to face monkeypox or other pathogen (glycosylated). Children do not need to face monkeypox to get their innate immune system trained against it, no, e.g. vaccination against measles provided protection against COVID virus. Another way to look at it is that in the highly vaccinated nations, those who are unvaccinated get their innate immunity well trained. These glycosylated pathogen help protect against a whole range of other glycosylated pathogen.
Leave the damn children alone!
A focus on monkeypox:
Monkeypox is only transferred by close contact and only spread by persons showing symptoms and thus should be contained very easily! You will know who has monkeypox and thus who to stay away from SEXUALLY.
Is monkeypox becoming asymptomatic? Why? Is it that monkeypox is surging in highly vaccinated populations? Is there a link? Yes! And as seen in COVID fraud, the money making malevolents will bring a non-sterilizing immunity vaccine (non-neutralizing) that will push viral immune escape variants and thus we will see new more dominant strains popping up becoming more lethal and virulent…
So, they are installing PCR manufactured fake non-pandemics at will e.g. 2009 H1NI, COVID, now H5N1, ..N2, ..N8, monkeypox etc…they are using PCR to do this and then will bring sub-optimal non-sterilizing vaccines and implement mass vaccination with high infectious pressure and this can only result in Natural Selection pressure to drive emergence of more infectious more lethal monkeypox strains…this is the fear…these fuckers are doing this to the population, ensuring it expands to the general population, to then bring sub-optimal vaccine and then more lethal monkeypox and this lockdowns etc.
No doubt, dark evil people are capable of deliberately mocking around with it in the lab to create something to harm the general population and close it down and affect the elections and make you think you are as sick and perverted as the bi-sexuals and trannies…do not let them…
Are evil potent and powerful public health authorities part of this devious plot so as to enrich vaccine and pharmaceutical companies?
Dark evil people, these scientists, could and if they made something deliberate that harms and kills, that is a crime against humanity, and they must be hung. If they ‘engineered’ more lethal virulent monkeypox otherwise known as $MONEYPOX. Those ‘scientists’, yet we take them to courts for judges to deliberate and decide. We hang them if found guilty of crimes against humanity.
It is an emergency for the bi-sexual perverts around us, yes it is, as they cannot seem to get their perversions under control…the trannies, yes, like Bruce Jenners, yes, who take STDs and HIV etc. and MPOX to the low risk often monogamous heterosexual population…like they did with HIV…these freaks, perverse and bastardly to do this…not satisfied to keep their freak to themselves, by not telling your woman at home you hitting men on the down low going to gay bars and really sexing with men and with her…engaging in hardcore male penis in male anuses sexual intimacy…
but hiding it from the woman at home, your girlfriend, your wife, your common law, your fiancé etc. sick beast you are, risking her and she is low risk yet you busting monkeypox pustules all over you as you hitting your freak partner who has pus filled boils and pustules on the anus and penis and body and then putting the infected pus on her when you go home…should you beast not inform her so at least she cannot become infected?
Some of you here will get the vapors and clutch your pearls and fishnets and go week kneed, and that’s fine…grow a pair, I call it as it is, as we said, we don’t cup balls here…we are trying to help!
Again, the media and woke public health and freak governments like tampon man Trudeau want you to think this is a general population issue and it is not…it remains confined to a certain high-risk group…our aim is to constrain it in this bi-sexual tranny GAY sub-group and limit its expansion into the general population. Acute surveillance and contact tracing yet again, this is NOT an issue for you…do not let FOX and CNN misdirect you…and you women out there, do not trust your male partners today, many are bi-sexual and gay and you don’t know…look for signs…step away if you sense…they are risking you with their high-risk behavior.
see my substacks on this topic and ways forward to mitigate risk in the bi-sexual tranny GAY communities, if they want the advice…again, the method of intimacy between bi-sexuals and GAYS especially males often involves hard physical contact body to body, with abrasions and resulting micro-tears in the anal tract and penile shaft and the infected pus from the infected boils and pustules then leech into the micro-lesions.
I am warning again, the public health is playing a woke political game here that is very dangerous. It is taking a manageable pathogen and issue and going to allow this virus to expand and spread into the low risk heterosexual community and like with HIV, then heterosexual contact will transmit. We are talking about millions who are immune-compromised due to the COVID injections, and thus they will be susceptible. As long as there is skin to skin contact and any breakage of skin or tissue, and there is and can be with even heterosexual contact, then there is risk of transmission. Regardless of if it is a STD or not, it is localized to one community and we have to not play games. Tell them to stop sex or contact for 2-3 weeks. It’s that simple. It helps them.
It is not about being gay, it is the type of intimate contact. Or any contact skin to skin, tissue to tissue. Gay or heterosexual etc. But if it is localized in the gay community, then help them, get them to understand that abstaining for a bit will eliminate this. Stop the bull shit politics and ‘afraid to offend’ bull. Straight up, tell people what they need to know.
Tell all these public health officials to f**k off with the fear porn and tell the media to f**k off as well with their garbage reporting. I will tell you what you need to know since everyone is playing a game so as to not offend. This can be serious for a specialized high-risk group.
This can get out of hand if politics get the upper hand and political correctness etc. We face this head on, understand who is at risk and act accordingly.
It is very simple. A specialized high-risk group is infected and transmitting this based on the type of physical sexual contact. Their risk of infection and transmission is greater, and it appears localized to this group. They can cause this to leach out of their group into the general population if they engage in bisexual contact. Why can’t the public health issue an urgent PSA telling this high-risk group to cease physical contact until we get this under control? Why the games? Why the politics? Did we not learn enough from HIV?
These are the issues to consider:
1)acute contact tracing is needed of the high-risk sub-group and we know full well how to do this, this group being men-who-have-sex with men (MSM); I argue place bisexual males in that focus so as to contact trace their contacts if high risk, symptomatic etc. Bisexuals are the rate limiting step here to get our arms around this; they often take disease home and into the low risk populations. They have a huge role to help us get this dealt with; IMO, stop you behaviors for a bit please!! I do not care if you are offended, you can cause this to spread widely outside of a confined group. We know the morbidity and mortality is very low based on reporting, so lets get this dealt with.
2) no mass vaccination needed; Dr. Tam in Canada, go back and read your basic epidemiology and public health, you are talking pure utter garbage crap; focus on the MSM and bisexuals, let us keep it confined there and stop playing politics and playing with words; this is at present, based on all we know, an infection that is transmitted within the gay community; we know this by the actual data
3)no mass quarantine or lockdowns needed; focus on the MSM and bisexuals
4)no masks needed, that is non-sensical, this is confined principally to the content of pustules and lesions largely on the penis and anus
5)PSA the gay and bi-sexual community about the risk e.g. check their penises and anuses for warts, lesions, pustules; tell their partners before any sexual contact; tell them to calm down on the heavy physical contact and petting until we get this under control and ask them to not engage in bi-sexual activity at this time, to not visit bath houses or injection drug use or commercial sex workers, at this time to mitigate risk; persons who engage in high-risk behavior such as gay sex we learnt in HIV also, a large portion of them inject drugs and visit sex workers and vice versa; there tends to be a multitude of high-risk behaviors, not just one and we have to approach this from that broad perspective to tamp down spread; surveillance in all these specialized sub-groups may be needed; we employed what we coined ‘second generation’ and ‘third generation’ surveillance for HIV to capture these sub-groups as to risk
Transmission is via intimate sexual contact, heavy contact, rough contact, or exposure to scabs, mucus membranes, bodily fluids or even bed linen, bear this in mind
6) do not go pushing condoms and the like, stop this crap, this is a STD and stop promoting this as it drives high-risk behaviors and a false sense of security and one gets lulled into a sense of complacency; tell the high-risk group their risk and tell them if you engage in that form of sex you will get infected possibly…stop the politics and crap and be straight up; know also that it can spread outside of the gay community but is localized there and we have to work now to keep it there by focusing on the bisexual community and pleading with them to behave; it is the bisexual community that devastated the heterosexual community in HIV
7)do not engage in any stigmatization or slander or recrimination or targeting of homosexual or bisexual people
8)Enact acute surveillance and at this time, while it may still be early, consider probing the pre-natal and ante-natal expectant mother community; pregnant and planning to become pregnant and similar females are the lowest risk group societally and we conduct surveillance of them for certain STDs. It is how we learnt HIV had breached the gay community into the heterosexual community via homosexuals and bisexuals in the 1980s and 1990s and early 2000s. We need to call on our gay and bi peoples to behave themselves and not go engaging in bi sex at this time if they wish to get this under control. This is how gay and bi men took HIV home to their monogamous wives and partners. She thought she was monogamous and he often was not, even heterosexual males, who visited commercial sex workers who were in bisexual contacts and injecting drug use. He did not know, just visited the commercial sex yet got infected due to their high-risk behaviors outside of commercial sex. High-risk people engage not in one but many high-risk behaviors and share a lot of their paraphernalia.
9)So IMO, you ask these series of questions:
a)am I a homosexual? No
b) am I a bisexual? No
c)Am I monogamous? Yes
d)Is my partner monogamous? Yes
e)do I have anal sex with gay or bi males? No
f)do I inject drugs and have physical contact with injecting drug users? No
g)do I visit commercial sex workers? No
h)do I have physical contact with gay, bi, commercial sex workers, injecting drug users etc. or other high-risk persons who may have had contacts with these groups? No
i)are there people in my household I am in close contact with who are gay, bi, or are part of such a relationship? No
So calm the hell down, turn off FOX and CNN with the fear mongering, turn off the public health people, and if you answered the questions as above, based on all we know today as to where the transmission is, then you can safely tell them all to f**k off and go about your life. If you are not in this risk group or engage in the type of contact that places you at risk as well as your partner/wife/husband etc., then this is not your business. The governments and their corrupted health people must stop the BS fear porn. Focus where you must focus and leave the rest of us alone.
This is not a ‘national’ issue, does not transcend USA or Canada. You people focus on contact tracing and some good PSAs and we will be just fine. No masking, no vaccines, no lockdowns. Just get the bisexual community to govern themselves accordingly:
Well, it’s no surprise that when it’s a key part of the AstroZeneca shot.
Good to know. But we seem to be sitting ducks in this globalist matter, aren't we?