Moon et al.: 'Adult-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Development Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination'; mRNA-DNA COVID gene injections is heightening risk of diabetes societally; McCullough warns that
we now face 'lifelong insulin and glucose monitoring as a regrettable consequence of accepting a vaccine.'; carte blanche COVID gene injection not focused on high-risk groups can explode disease
‘Any novel EUA vaccine campaign should be targeted on a small group at the highest risk so large numbers are not exposed to permanent side effects such as insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes.’
‘Report the case of a 56-year-old female patient who developed hyperglycemia after the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA-based vaccination without a prior history of diabetes; uncontrolled hyperglycemia despite administration of oral hyperglycemic agents; initial glycated hemoglobin level was high (11.0%), and fasting serum C-peptide level was normal. The fasting serum C-peptide level decreased to 0.269 ng/ mL 5 days after admission, and the anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody was positive. The patient was discharged in stable condition with insulin treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first case of the development of type 1 diabetes without diabetic ketoacidosis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, and is the oldest case of type 1 diabetes development under such circumstances.’
I developed Type 1 at the age of 44 - after 7 Hep B shots because I would not convert - it was required by the hospital I worked for and the CDC recommends a 3 shot series - then if no conversion a challenge dose and then if no conversion another 3 shot series and I was stupid enough to comply. I already had an autoimmune disorder diagnosed at age 19 - +ANA and the rheumatologist called it “lupus-like syndrome”. My oldest daughter developed MCAS after the second shot in her HPV series (we didn’t get her the third) though it took a year for the diagnosis of MCAS and 15 years for something to be published in the literature that connected the two - even though I knew. I am a genetic counselor. I had genetic testing done on myself and my two daughters. We have an HLA type that increases the risk for autoimmune disorders. (We are also genetic non-converters for various vaccines). Depending on the particular population various percentages of each population has a genetic predisposition for autoimmune disorders (and non-converters to vaccines) but often a trigger needs to occur (multifactorial inheritance) to cause the autoimmune disorder. I believe at least in our case - the triggers were vaccines. These weren’t even like the mRNA jab that causes the body to attack wherever the mRNA producing spike protein ends up. I imagine that anyone who ends up with spike protein from the jab in their beta cells will develop Type 1. People will argue here that the infection could do the same thing - but truly - what is the likelihood from infection that the spike protein ends up in the beta cells vs. from the jab where it is not naturally supposed to enter the body and be produced in that way. I would guess it is unlikely from natural infection and more likely from the mRNA jab. The issue here is that most autoimmune disorders will take a while to be diagnosed and therefore most often people will not know the trigger like I do in our cases - though I didn’t figure out my own right away (I was preparing a presentation about non-converters and adverse vaccine events when I figured it out) - so - I would venture to say that a lot of people will develop autoimmune disorders from these mRNA jabs and very few doctors will connect the dots and many people will not either....much like dying suddenly and clots and strokes are not associated with the jabs but rather climate change, eggs, stress etc....... and no - my youngest daughter did not receive any vaccines after I figured this out - there are ten years between them thank God - because I was able to figure this out before exposing her. I also was able to help fight for medical exemptions for us all because of this information - however - my oldest - vaccine injured - she was denied at her hospital (PICU nurse) - because they follow the CDC guidelines and the only exemptions from them are if you have already been injured by the Covid jab. Wonderful medicine and ethics there. She however was able to get an exemption at another hospital and works in the NICU. It’s much better - the PICU during Covid had zero patients - and when she left had 23/25 beds with suicide attempts - ages 12-18. We are in a heap of trouble - aren’t we?
It’s working just like they wanted. More people dependent on the medical industrial complex.