My 'where the hell are you feminists in defense of Israeli women and girls raped by HAMAS' substack is driving serious strong debate, please join! Feminists that 'progressive'? Won't even defend women
swimmers against men who pretend to be women? Won't even defend REAL biological women against fake TRANS would be rapist pedophile men pretending to be women? Got it! Your cause is DEAD! you killed it
Is the feminist movement that ‘progressive’? So MEN, HAMAS men, can do these vile brutal rape mutilation things to Israeli women and you do not care? You are silent? By muslim islamist jihadist males, you are silent? Where is Linda Sarsour, the so called 'me too’ FEMINIST? In defense of Israeli women. The western and global feminist movement is now showing it is clearly racist, bigotted, hypocritical, antisemitic.
Your feminist cause is DEAD, you feminists killed it! No credibility.
If Israeli men, soliders did same to Palestinians, to HAMAS women, to any woman, I would call for their punishment too, their hanging. Why the silence here?
Spot on, Dr. Alexander! Progressives prove in the end...they are weak and spineless. Hiding behind a progressive agenda and politics. They are a disgrace!!
Feminism is a toxic construct ushered in by 'them' in their efforts to destroy the family and set men against women. I second your outrage at the horrors these terrorists are carrying out.