'Mysterious pneumonia ripping through Chinese schools sparks fears among scientists of a Covid repeat': IMO, BS, believe nothing, zero China tells you nor even the US government health officials, ZERO
These malcreants across the 100% lie of COVID showed you what they are capable of, and we have not even gotten around to jailing them YET, so at this time, based on what I know, this is BS junk
Turn it off. Turn the news off, turn off fraud FOX and banal CNN.
Did not work first time and now, they know that once they scare you with the children, you will drop everything. COVID spared our children and a better argument could be that by vaccinating children with the COVID vaccine, especially in the west e.g. US, Canada, with these non-neutralizing non-sterilizing COVID vaccines (does/did not stop infection, replication, transmission and thus placed natural selective pressure on the spike antigen that drives emergence of sub-variants), we have damaged the immune systems of healthy children and subverted the needed ‘training’ and ‘education’ of their innate immune systems (innate antibodies and natural killer (NK) cells and thus at risk for auto-reactivity, auto-immunity illnesses) for lifelong combat of pathogen. So yes, our children are at risk now due to us, and due to the effects of malfeasant corrupted governments, inept corrupted media, health officials and parents falling for the lies and vaccinating normally healthy children who simply needed natural environmental immune exposure. NO vaccine. You damaged them, hobbling their immune systems. Lifelong.
Data today says this is garbage, hype, fear-porn and nothing exists to show otherwise. If any such comes available and I and others think this is a concern for us, we will tell you quickly. Yet you too can figure out the con yourself.
So that’s what Biden & Xi planned in SF.
So. The plot has moved on from “don’t kill grandma” to “don’t kill the children”. Vax and vax and vax to make sure all are killed.