Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) orally twice daily, Bromelain 500 mg orally once daily, Curcumin 500 mg orally twice daily, as empiric base Spike Detox (BSD) regimen as per McCullough, dissolves spike
protein (endothelial pathogen) that is circulating in blood following mRNA technology based gene injection (Pfizer, Moderna); as science matures, adds to Swank et al., found in 65% long-covid patients
detected ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike predominantly in PASC patients up to 12 months after diagnosis.’
Swank et al.:
‘Using previously developed and optimized ultra-sensitive single molecule array assays (Supplementary Figure 2), we measured the concentration of SARS-CoV-2 antigens, including the S1 subunit of spike, full-length spike, and nucleocapsid (N), in the collected plasma samples (Figure 1) [5]. We detected either S1, spike, or N in approximately 65% of the patients diagnosed with PASC at any given time point, several months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Of the 3 antigens, we detected spike most often in 60% of the PASC patients, whereas we did not detect spike in the COVID-19 patients.’
Dr. Peter McCullough’s recent substack is timely given the accumulated evidence of vaccine, mRNA and fragments, lipid-nano-particles (LNPs), spike protein and fragments, sub-units e.g. S1 remaining in tissue and blood for months and years post COVID gene injection shot. The issue of LONG-COVID is real and people need help now as are suffering and as the science matures and the definitive comparative effectiveness clinical research is completed (large sample size, long duration follow-up, proper patient important outcomes, randomized or well conducted robust observational studies etc.), we must offer some empiric help using existing safe, effective, approve OTC products.
Nattokinase, Bromelain, Curcumin, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) are such products (and Quercetin etc.), including autophagy (fasting under supervision), with a proposed 3-12 months of supplementation to help dissolve, rid the body of the spike protein from vaccine (and virus).
See McCullough’s recent substack and mine on NATTOKINASE and The Wellness Company Spike Recovery product:
'‘Approximately 15% of patients took one or more injections of COVID-19 vaccine products and now have had COVID-19 illness and are suffering from persistent symptoms or new medical diseases. Of those ~94% received mRNA in Pfizer or Moderna products. Several studies have show that symptoms after COVID-19, most of whom also had baseline or subsequent vaccination, are directly related to persistent circulating Spike protein.
Swank et al, from Harvard University, found circulating Spike protein and or nucleocapsid in the blood of 65% of patients with long-COVID symptoms (post-acute sequelae symptoms) some of whom were unfortunately vaccinated even after being sick. These data imply the symptoms are driven by persistent fragments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Spike protein from repeated injections.

Base Spike Detox (BSD) is an empiric regimen designed to assist the body in breaking down the Spike protein and allowing natural clearance of protein fragments through the reticuloendothelial system. All three components have considerable support from the preclinical and clinical literature. Other agents can be added including N-acetylcysteine, but they should not be substituted for these three as the base of treatment (3-12+ months):
Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) orally twice daily
Bromelain 500 mg orally once daily
Curcumin (nano- liposomal +piperine 10 mg) 500 mg orally twice daily’
I take all of this. No vaccines for me, but shedding is occurring to many people. Nearly everyone is jabbed, remember that!
I have a dear friend who has experienced a blood clot and is now on Eloquis blood thinner, her doctor says basically forever... Nattokinase also thions the blood and it is NOT recommended to take it if already on a blood thiner... Where does she start and what esle can she do to detox...