Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH
The plot thickens...I always say, FOLLOW the money$
You will learn one day just who got what and how much and who sold out the USA….thats what they did, for money and power…how many billions was stolen from the PPE hospital preparation money and which government officials bought houses and cars and the like with tax payer pandemic money…which congresspeople family and friends got bogus crooked contracts…and senators…the truth is never far behind…
stay tuned.
Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH
On the topic of money, please check out my latest post:
The proposed Cures 2.0 Act (2021-2022) broken down by billions of federal taxpayer dollars. With 85 Democratic and 13 Republican U.S. Representatives from 37 states co-sponsoring this bill, this huge funnel of public-sought money requires scrutinizing
Of special note is a claim for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption under Title V. SEC. 501. ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY FOR HEALTH.
Whatever level of corruption is unearthed, none of these criminals ever goes to prison. Why?? None of their ill-begotten gains is confiscated. Why?? Every one of them continues to keep their job and keeps making money off the backs of taxpayers. And to add insult to injury, they retire with full benefits *on top of* all those millions they already stole as their “salaries”(for a job they never did) *paid for by the taxpayer*; get to sit back and enjoy the returns from their shares invested in American companies -armed with insider information working together with traitors like Nancy Pelosi and others in congress, *paid for by the taxpayer*; get to invest in Chinese companies and make millions more for the privilege of screwing hard working Americans and the rest of the world by declaring themselves as “the $cience” and imposing their draconian “pandemic” mandates; get “royalties” paid to them by Big Pharma who were in turn…wait for it…were *subsidised by the taxpayer*.
In the end, all that seems to happen is -they get to laugh at us from their retirement -playing golf, vacationing on private islands, flying with private jets and cruising on private yachts and schmoozing with the Obamas, the Clintons and Bill Gates while planning their next “pandemic” and devising new ways to censor our freedom, destroy our societies, brainwash our children and kill us with their ever increasing “vaccines” and “boosters”. Unfortunately the only purpose these exposés seem to serve is to enrage the public or demoralise them. This doesn’t mean we should stop exposing these criminals. Keep them coming. An informed and enraged public is far better than an ignorant and a docile one.