Not one study, NONE, I said before and repeat, no study up to now, in adults or children, no comparative effective research study, RCT or observational, has EVER shown the COVID mRNA vaccine reduced
hospitilization, UCU, severe illness, or death, NOT one! Anyone who said this lied to you! Including media, senior people in Trump administration & Biden, Hahn, Walensky, Jha etc., LIED, MISLED you!
Again, start with my 33 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse, investigate them, start there…
yes, this post by SAGE is good, and I repeat, Jay was wrong, very wrong about the vaccine and I know if you asked him today, he cannot repeat this. The data and science and evidence today is clear, the vaccine never worked and is toxic and harmful. Not safe. Never was! I argue not even elderly were helped by this fraud mRNA technology based gene injection by Malone, Kariko, Weissman, et al. and Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. (Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna etc.).
We have killers among us, people who conspired to kill our most precious peoples, our elderly, with negligence and deliberate acts IMO. They could not be that stupid. There was and is a certain level of malfeasance at play here.
Trump was misled, he was deceived, snowed, conned, and he fell for it. I cannot say he knew. No. He wanted to do good in his bellicose manner and ego. Who would not? facing what they said was happening (the PCR-manufactured lies of escalating infection that were 95% false positive and which would translate to cases and death, yes, they spooked him) and them telling him he could single handedly by agreeing to their malevolence of OWS and lockdowns etc. save America and the world. Trump? Of course they studied him and knew he was vulnerable to the con. They had the right person on tap. He fell for it. He was no scientist and while very bright, did not understand the malice they, as his so called ‘trusted’ advisors, we putting on him. He was being hollowed out from within the house. The call was coming from ‘inside the house’. He did not know.
OWS was on his watch as were lockdowns and he must and will soon come to the podium and tell you this, he will. He has to for the lockdowns and OWS were the 2 greatest public health disasters in history.
He will, stand by. We are ensuring this. And he knows. He knows the lockdowns harmed and the vaccine is a lie and harms. He knows. He knows they misled him, he can see the effects.
He has to. He will find the words. We cannot give him a pass, he has to explain the lockdowns and vaccine, I too am waiting.
Fauci, Birx, Azar, all of them, their job was to topple and remove Trump by destroying the pandemic reponse and leaving him to hold it and he did. He just could not step back, he had to lead the podium and they let him wear it, not even that he realized. This is why, with stolen votes for votes were stolen, he is not POTUS.
Trump is not POTUS because they rigged the election and stole votes, and I believe he won, but the lockdowns hurt him badly, he did not understand that, for the lockdowns caused harms and deaths and it was deliberate by design, and his win, while he did win POTUS, was not enough to sustain the theft on election night. Had there been no fraud non-pandemic, no lockdowns, even with their efforts to steal, his win would have been a blow out. IMO, he won, but not big enough to sustain the steal!
Look, I want the best person who can save and lead America, who will protect her and help stabalize the world for it’s on fire. I really do not care who it is, black, brown, white, Jewish faith, Christian, Hindu, muslim…I do not. As long as they love nation, will protect America first, love borders will enforce them first, loves flag, anthem, constitution, military, police, language, culture, respect rights to practice your own faith, not biased or racist, once this is a good person, man or woman, I WILL vote for them and promote them. Good person. Not intent on harming people.
IMO, Trump comes closest and is capable with vengenace and malice he must have and I want him to have for what they did to his Presidency and the relentless persecution of him, that he tears DC down to the studs, Trump 2.0 must be mandingo RAMBO like, punitive, using all levers of government power to fix wrongs, to punish, even in his own administration, burn it down, raze DC to the floor, relocate all federal employees outside of DC, 500 miles north of Anchorage Alaska, place them on Alcatraz, remote places to work, make life difficult for them especially heads of all alphabet agenices and definitely CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, HHS etc., he has to come with that Trump 2.0. He has to come with vengeance.
I think he is capable. IMO. The best among the worst. For he is not perfect. Yet I truly know that he loves America, this is a good man, fundamentally.
Stand on stage and hug and kiss the American flag, do it! Let us see.
If you show me a Democrat or Republican who can do this, I will vote for them.
How is that to drive you nuts?
‘Rochelle, Pierre, Jay, Donald, and Joe
We were at WAR with a virus. Let's just give errrybody a pass and move on. Amnesty it is! 👍 We beat Covid! I know this because Pierre doesn't wear a mask.’
Excellent substack by SAGE:
I’m still livid I couldn’t visit my elderly mother w/o a creepy test or a shot. Honestly it makes me sob
You said it, Dr Paul. It’s a key psyop instrument used to wage war on the awake on all social media. And it is time we turned it around on those who perverted science into a belief cult. Which, in a massive front demands that WE come up with studies disproving their unsubstantiated claims - and nothing ever, ever measures up to their fact checking. It’s a psyop, one projecting it is our duty to spend our days doing their work and we have played our assigned part in it dutifully for 4 years. Maybe it’s time we set this straight and finally demand that THEY present US with proof for their endless and ridiculous beliefs in a massive push-back. So, let’s make a list of key studies outstanding from our administrators and organizations whose MANDATE it is to supply the people with proof for their claims, and let’s finally stop our trying to do the work for them. And let’s stop hailing the installed administrators of our nations as demi-gods. We should be long past those early civilizations. We install them to run our business. Here is to balls for all of us in 2024. All the Best!