Nothing is over! It ain't over! The Psy Op is NOT done, the evil beasts are trying to bring fake fraud PCR created avian bird flu, pure bullsh*t! But its fraud, NOTHING, do not take any Malone mRNA
vaccines, none, not for you, or your child, none! These criminals, money whores, & I am afraid they are bending defrauding bulls**ting Trump before he has begun term 2.0! Time will tell, let's see
Is mRNA ‘new and improved’ transfection 2nd generation minorly adjusted mRNA shots coming? Are there new fake pandemics coming? Like bird flu? A new fake PCR manufactured bird flu? Something out of fraud China? Yes, of course! Is the MASTER Op over? Operation Northwoods? Viet Nam Gulf of Tonkin? Operation Paperclip? 9/11? Are these Ops over?
Dr.Alexander, I love your honesty, your fight and your knowledge. This is beyond depressing if we fall for this travesty again. What is with the people? Are they just dumb? Does anyone think critically? I never took the bioweapon. I begged people not to take it.
Well at this point anyone taking the Jab are all part of social Darwinism …the stupid shall die.