Nuclear war with Russia and Obama: Protestor to Obama "stop pushing nuclear war with Russia, you Obama overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014"; this rally and protestor went AWOL for Obama
Obama gave a free hand to Victoria Nuland, and her web of Conspirators, and just stayed safely in the background. "You overthrew the legitimate Ukraine government in 2014"

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I’m sick of the neocons shouting down their fellow Republicans as well. Zelenskyy is a grifter and a Nazi kapo. I’m Jewish. It makes me sick to hear him described as a “ Jewish Hero” as much as any criticism of the admitted, unapologetic Nazi abettor Soros being labeled antisemitism. The most virulent hatred of Jews is often propelled by self loathing psychopaths.
Our government trains and funds the fucking Azov Regiment Nazis with my tax dollars. I’d much rather help the Iranian protesters overthrow the regime. They only ask for internet connection and beg not to reinstate the JCPOA. How disgraceful that it’s even being negotiated?
The embedded UniParty Duopoly of warmongering bastards hate “ We The People” and have no ethical or moral righteousness.
All the garbage over the last 2.5 years was a long time in developing. Forced vaccinations ...that no one needed ... to trans gender surgery ... both sometimes without parental knowledge ... to wokism instigated by intellectuals endowed by Oligarchs and promoted by pea brain liberals ... are examples of society unglued by influences festering under our noses and often paid for by taxpayers too busy making incomes that got taxed and used on things that have totally weirded us out. Tip of iceberg, as they say. But only after we found out because of what became POLICY and official PRONOUNCEMENTS with restoring forces neutralized by a corrupted DOJ and a captive zombie majority Congress. The DEMs and some RINOs all have “Yes, Master” degrees. The ultimate plan to destroy the checks and balances of Constitutional governance. Can’t enforce laws. No redress... not quick, anyway. The idiots, perverts, pedophiles, morons in positions of grave responsibility have their way with no remedy available but for the legal hurdle. And that takes time, effort and rehabilitating the judges, themselves in the grip of propaganda. There’s progress, but a ways to go.
OK ... I will be an unabashed Monday morning quarterback. I did not understand this shit except for the vaccine stuff which we knew about very well. Saved my ass when the mandates came along. The rest of it ... foreign and domestic policy .. I was too dumb and too busy. So I join others in asking OK, what do we do now? I am grateful for all the activist heroes who were not asleep or who woke up first when things went way South.
Destructive policies can be viewed as “modern” in seeming to emerge in recent times or maybe as age-old. Nothing new but convenient tools for sowing cognitive dissonance. The vaccination policies since 1986 without question attack the human brain and have hamstrung generations since and ongoing. Time to end these policies and protect the brains of children at all cost.
Hand in hand with wokism is the old “hate Russia” paradigm like a stale platitude persisting over the last two centuries. At stake were the interests of Great Britain’s empire. The Brits have been playing it forever and there is no doubt in my mind their influence in this regard, the super wealthy City of London in league with WEF sowing chaos for years. Russia gate was a tool for bringing down Trump. The hate Russia campaign has been a cornerstone of Britain’s foreign policy since the Crimean War and unchanged with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As I listen to Liz Truss and Tony Blair, this notion I have is supported. The influence of Britain on the US is not to be doubted listening to David Martin and reading Matthew Ehret.
And yet, plans for cooperation between the US and Russia were discussed by Lincoln and Alexander II, championed by William Gilpin. The transcontinental railroad was built with that cooperation in mind … with China also … proceeding even during the Civil War. A northern rail route through Alaska hooking up with Russian rail through the Bering straits. Quite a project for its time, a rail tunnel would have been. Or any time. Putin is still open to this.
I had no idea when I saw the movie “Dr. Zhivago” that the the trans Siberian RR portrayed was built with Pennsylvania steel. Not till a year or two ago. Why didn’t I know? Is that not incredibly important history?
Only when BC applied for Union with the US did Britain build their own transcontinental RR to interfere with the plans for US/Russia economic cooperation.
And who bumped off Lincoln and Alexander II? John Wilkes Booth was trained by Britain’s intelligence services in Montreal, operating during the Civil War. What about the anarchists who killed Alexander? Similarly trained according to Matthew Ehret. Again, in the financial interests of the Empire, threatened by the competition that was developing.
Fast forward to the US/CIA instigated Maidan Revolution and US financial support for Nazi elements of Ukraine society, killing civilians in the Donbas for 8 years. The Donbas republics declare their autonomy and apply to Russia for help. This and missile emplacement facilities in Ukraine and Poland … promised by Biden never to be used … plus bioweapons labs told to us not to exist by the CIA … provoked the invasion. Putin was put in the same strategic position as JFK back in 1962. And the half-wits Biden, Blinken and Nod (the subservient Congress) pouring more money and weapons into the conflict.
There has to be a pivot … forcing the negotiation so far resisted by the CIA and the Azov Nazis. That pivot may happen after midterms if liberals fed up enough to refuse the boosters join with conservatives to defund the war, willing to sacrifice Biden to the cause of peace and pull back from this pointless and dangerous conflict.