Obama runs America, This Biden Presidency is Obama's third term, when Trump (45) was in Power, Obama had to stand down as 45 figured out how to neuter him, Biden has allowed Obama to run the thing!
petzanpz, one of my subscribers (brilliant always) reminded us of Obama's hold on Biden's Presidency & Obama could have a 4th term! reminds us of treason committed on 45; Cicero's 'enemy within'
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Now to Petzanpz
Start statement here, I decided to share for it is written so well and reminds us why we must have Trump back in power, if only to seal the borders and remove the illegals:
‘America is under attack from within. Our unelected resident and his puppet master, traitor obama, have prompted an invasion of our country in violation of federal law and their oaths of office, but that's just part of their treason.
They, along with their allies in the republican party like george bush and the media, have lied to the American people about everything.
In 2015 when Trump announced he was running for president, obama's cia got the 5 eyes intel agencies to spy on Trump in the hopes of finding or manufacturing a crime. After that they used russian disinformation paid for by clinton, the dnc and even obama himself to illegally obtain fisa warrants to spy on a candidate, a transition and a presidency.
Traitor obama knew that the steele dossier was being used to target Trump or as durham put it in his report, 'vilify' Trump to run cover for hillary's illegal home server that had over 2,100 classified documents on it.. So on July 26, 2016, john brennan briefed obama on clinton's plan to 'vilify' Trump, but 5 days later obama ordered a counter intel investigation into the Trump campaign. The operation was called 'crossfire hurricane.' for over 3 years they used this knowingly false b.s. to hamstring Trump's presidency. We are already well past treason already, but there's much more.
To make it short here's is a short list.
1-cia and 5 eyes spying
2-fake russian collusion
3-fake impeachment #1 to cover for biden's crimes and perhaps many others as well including obama
4-the stolen 2020 election where the bad guys added at least 40+ million votes to biden
5-fake impeachment #2 which ran cover for what the bad guys did to promote a riot on j6
6-the 14th amendment b.s., they don't have any respect for the Constitution or rule of law
8-the biggest travesty of justice was the creation of a fake worldwide pandemic where millions were killed. They have no regard for human life, all they care about is holding on to power.
11 days before leaving office, traitor obama signed an executive memo easing the funding on gain of function research, why would he do that to the incoming administration? The next day at a speech, fauci said there would be a pandemic during the next administration.
There's much more, but I don't want to bore anyone with the details.
Sorry for the long rant, I worry for the fate of this country and my children and grandchildren.
God help us all...’
Thank you for posting this.
Brilliant always, I'm not so sure of that. I'm just an old retired dude with lots of free time.
Dr Paul, you are a great and brilliant man and I pray you are part of the next Trump administration for the sake of justice!
I was called a racist pointing this out to sheeple years ago. So sad they have been led to slaughter by the Muslim Marxist community disorganizer/President Shitstain