Paging Dr. Jessica Rose, I hope you learnt your lesson! Bitter pill but better the learning now! You said you all watered down & contorted language to get the paper "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons
Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign" published by CUREUS; my advise, NEVER do that again, you softened the language, WRONG move! I call for boycott of CUREUS
You used words like ‘modified’ which is a Malone concoction sold to you all devised by him to take heat off his and Weissman and Kariko et al. for their mRNA technology causes death…you used the term ‘until’, wrong word, there is no UNTIL’, you used the word ‘moratorium’, wrong word, it smacks of a temporary stop so you/they can examine the mRNA vaccines…never, it must be a hard stop, withdrawn fully.
You acquiesced to get it published and they punished you, evil dogs they are. Corrupted devils, these devious journals. But I will not rub it in but we told you so…see my stack below…
Huge praise Jessica, I love all you do, brilliant, passionate, keep at it, I am inspired.
I hope you, McCullough, Seneff, Meade et al. learn the lesson, you do not play and be mealy mouth (Hodkinson) and sugar coat these beasts in academic publishing, it is dead, COVID killed it…pharma owns academic research publishing. Do not give up, try another journal. And write it as it should be:
“We call for a complete stop of the Malone Bourla Bancel Kariko Sahin et al. mRNA vaccine and full withdrawal and no fucking child or adult should take any of these, not even in the elderly”…
can you use these words?
My prior substack asking you to rewrite the abstract:
The title needs rewriting. Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Covid mRBA Vaccination Campaign: TAKE THIS JAB AND SHOVE IT! There. Fixed it.
Dr. Daniel Negase at has called out Jessica Rose for being controlled op, alongside Maloney baloney. She is doing some good research, but also not fully calling bs on this whole mess either. And aligning herself with shady characters. What say you Dr. Alexander?