Pax Americana: I believe Pax Americana remains STRONG! America runs the world & remains the last beacon of hope, of goodness in this world! If you don't like America & what she stands for, get to fuck
out, and you 4 morons in congress, the SQUAD, get to fuck out if you do not ascribe to the very nation that buys toilet paper with tax payer money to wipe your sorry corrupted assess! Euro-Atlantic
world and dominance will continue, and Trump can help re-solidify, and with our 2nd amendment, we will rule this world. The 2nd amendment of the United States is why America stands and the world stands. If America falls, the world ends. Period.
You find a little boy, 5 years old in the Barrios of Brazil, Mexico etc., and ask him what does he want to be, where does he want to go when he grows up…if he knows 2 words, he always tells you, I want to come to America, to New York, and Trump.
Trump is the best option we have now. Trump in his 2nd at bat, has to ensure, a key step MUST be to deport every last single illegal who entered America the last 30 years…all…yes, we find them, we deport them, all of them…else America is over especially with the 10 million Biden and Obama let in, America is done Trump if they stay…Biden and Obama are now flooding America with jihadists, rapists, gang rapists, islamists, murderers…you HAVE TO deport them…all…
if they as an illegal, can go to a US consulate and show a US passport and citizenship, and did not rape, murder, or were not pedophiles, they MUST be allowed back into America. and you Trump, with my deep respect for you, if we put you back in power and you do not build the eff in wall you promised, no metal slat shit, and you do not remove them as you are signaling, history will, with the disaster of COVID, lockdowns and OWS, record you as a failure. If you do, if you build that wall, concrete, 100 feet high, 50 feet thick, manned with military too, and you deport every illegal last 30 years, you will be remembered for all time…we may even change the constitution to give you a valid 3rd term and 4th term….
your 2nd term will be a shot to all the despots, the evil tyrants around the world that America is back and you are back on tap….that the revolution is still alive and kicking…Savage reminded us about the Eddies and Ediths, the common men and women who were restless and voted you in…2016…now in 2024, we are calling on Eddy and Edith again to rise, to again put down their tools and head to the polls…leave the factory floor, leave the production belt, leave the coal mines, leave the steel plant, the oil rigs…and come, come for Trump, to put him back, one more time…this is it…and be prepared to come together using all our constitution to take back America as our founding fathers allow us to…we need you Eddy and Edith, the fly over country common man and woman, the backbone of America, the people whose pines are of steel who made this great country…black, white, all…we need to put Trump back to finish the job and to send a loud and clear message to the US and global ruling class, that we as a people, are united with Trump and we are his standing army…all near 100 million of us…armed to our teeth…and we will form even physical resistance to any move to subjugate and pummel us…to shackle us on the democrat and globalist plantations…we will not bend to economic slavery…we will not bend or yield to social woke engineering slavery….our founding gave us this right…we will resist you and our commander is coming again….we are Americans, the GREATEST peoples on this God earth and we set the tone, we set the music for the world to keep up to…the world follows America…always will…we lead…the 21st century will again belong to USA.
Let us be frank, America, the great ship ‘AMERICA’ the magnificent, is in trouble taking on water…the wheel was handed over to the most devastating catastrophic captain ever…and AMERICA is now listing and needs a new captain…a steady hand…again…if we fail to put capitan Trump back at the wheel, we are facing a bullet coming towards us…and I am afraid we cannot get through 4 more years of a Biden or similar agenda. These bitches will render America helpless and inoperable. Yes, the ruling class corrupted putrid elites are controlling the populace and we are in trouble. We need to awaken now. Out of slumber. Out of the 5 G warfare hypnosis we were subjected to in COVID…by the evil ones. We saw them, we understand and now we have to clean house. November 3rd and Trump is it.
I feel strongly you are the one, POTUS Trump, the man, the person for the task to fix America…no ‘sticking’ this time…no games, do not bring the frauds, the leeches you had around you who we saw and witnessed as your Presidency was stolen by the fraud of the pandemic and the mails and votes. They did nothing to help you, save people like Navarro, Caputo, Bannon etc. The rest pulled flint from navels wondering how they were getting to K street when the democrats were on an anti-Trump crusade. This is your time now and you must do good by America…do not fuck this shot up Mr. President. No hanger ons, no appointees who do not love America.
America first, ‘MAGA!
You overestimate what Trump can do even if he was of a mind to go up against those who are truly controlling western governments.
Both sides of politics are part of a bigger game where they seemingly have no choice but to follow orders. Trump will only achieve what they allow him to achieve.
Their crimes have to be exposed sufficiently so that the vast masses of currently brainwashed citizens finally wake up and demand justice and remove these evil bastards who are pulling strings around all of us.
And Pax Americana is not the saviour of the world and the only good guys - the good guys are everywhere and in every country - but the evil minority have been manipulating the game for centuries - now they are really going for it and have revealed themselves and their depopulation agenda through the Covid hoax.
We have to be very vigilant now and contribute to the awakening of the masses with the hope that the evil ones won’t succeed with their plans.
Idolatry. Americans are delusional. Name me one good thing the US has done overseas that is good. The US has lost respect globally and in fact has engendered hatred and contempt for the U.S. America has managed to isolate itself on the world stage. Go look at the recent votes on the security council and see who stood with the US - about four states, two of them most have never heard of. You blew it, and then you blew it again and again and again. America has never not been at war. Trump even sent his own supporters into a well-laid trap on January 6th. Trump wants to go to war with China. Even the Israel-Hamas war is a new U.S. proxy war, thus time taking out both Iran and Israel. Pax Americana my arse.