Photos of earlier today before my talk on the hill; it is very tense now in Ottawa as police are moving on the truckers and these guys were working so well with all, the police are great but TRUDEAU
PHOTOS with the clan mothers, the leaders of the native Indian groups of Canada on the hill with us; emergency order now no food or supplies or fuel we can give the truckers so thats me too...
Two of the native Indigenous leaders on the left, leads this protest, 2 hours before state of emergency, outside parliament building and its beautiful clock tower, its -25 here:
Photo with many of the trucker convoy captains who lead multiple truckers on parliament a couple hours ago before state of emergency declared
I'm Sicangu Lakota Sioux and I was priveledged enough to be able to see Mr Pat King given a Peace Pipe by a medicine man. A Pipe ceremony was also performed in the tipi's that were set up. This is a very scared ceremony and is not normally done with filming or cameras but it was allowed this time to benefit Humanity with Good Health, Help, and Prayers.
Stay safe and warm if you can. Prayers for all.