POTUS John Kennedy: did his son John (John John) Kennedy Jr. who was 'killed' in a plane crash, did he tee us up on POPULATION control? depopulation agenda? SAGE HANA reminds us of Bill Gates's 1997
interview with John Kennedy Jr. before he died;"Bill Gates's 1997 Interview with RFK's Dead Cousin John in George Magazine: "I fund population control..."Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Day Tapes
I thought John Kennedy Jr. would have made a tremendous POTUS, I lean libertarian, right of center, social conservative yet no EFF in label but I would have voted for John-John.
Did they kill John-John? Was John Kennedy Jr. killed? I think a legitimate question. I actually think he was killed, deliberately. I do not discount that. I have no proof.
Excellent stack, SAGE. Keep over this target.
Hat tip today:
Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Richard Day.
"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Depopulation Global Agenda Would Unfold
‘Bill Gates's 1997 Interview with RFK's Dead Cousin John in George Magazine: "I fund population control..."
If only we could sort out who this mysterious WHO GOLIATH is! Stay on the case, Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson! Just laying out the dots today. Make of them what you will, Hammers.’
“Ready to go on a little ride?
A ride with some very rich people who have some ideas about stewardship of good ole Planet Earth.
Just like the Day Tapes said so very long ago.
I will link those at the end.
Alright, let’s do this.
Let’s pick it up in February, 1997 with Bobby’s then living cuz, John-John, having a little powwow with one Mr. Bill Gates.
(Dude almost ran me over in Tribeca on rollerblades. John-John. Of course I could be lying. I’m a paid DOD troll and stuff!)
“I fund population control, I’m very big on the United Way.”
United Way.
Let’s move forwards to immediately post-9/11.
Jeff Skoll.
A year later, Skoll financed and played a key role in the creation of the environmental documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which grew out of a slideshow developed by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on the climate crisis. The film won the 2006 Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary. "I would never have predicted that a film like An Inconvenient Truth would impact so many people", Skoll told Philanthropy *Roundtable.[13]
*(😅 👍)
Skoll executive produced another notable film.
Steve Kirsch writes in 2010:
If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues:
global warming
the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem
All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale. We need action on all three. But right now, none of the candidates have the courage to even talk about serious solutions. In fact, on some issues, they won't even talk about the problem!
More on Mssr. Steve here. This is Bret Weinstein probably pondering WHO THE HECK IS THIS GOLIATH THAT IS TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD?
😹 Stay on the case, Bret!
"How to Save the World"
DECEMBER 13, 2023
Little Stevie and DARPA
MAY 15, 2023
Steve’s concerns about too many critters and KLIMATE CHANGE are pretty common for the Rich People Set.
Got some Nixon in here, too, and we about to bust out those Day Tapes links one more time and wrap this shit up!
Promo Code: Tim Truth on the clips.
Day Tapes!
"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Depopulation Global Agenda Would Unfold
APRIL 3, 2023
"If population growth didn't slow down, food shortages could be created in a hurry." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Globalist Agendas Would Unfold
APRIL 9, 2023
In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Globalist Agendas Would Unfold, Tape #3
APRIL 23, 2023
The Day Tapes: Final Tape for the Final Solution
MAY 27, 2023
There you go.
I got way more posts on all this stuff.
Here’s one!
The Good Club to Maui Atrocities: A Timeline
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
Anyway, hope you now better understand why you had Climate Change and Perma-crisis crammed down your throats and PANDEMIC MOVIES and VACCINES and Tier Two Anointed Heroes to SAVE YOU FROM THOSE BAD JABS.
Or you could just make up your own stories and shoot the logician messenger who is probably grifting one five dollar Kofi at a time.
Like a boss.
I lifted zeeee heavy ass weights day after day for two years and I’m gonna have Taco Bell tomorrow.
I started out wondering why Glenn Greenwald was not covering the bad jabs.
Oh the places you will go.
Upgrade to paid
Well at the time, he was considering a run for the US Senate seat in NY. Guess who won that seat?
JFK Jr.’s wife was running late (and they had been arguing a lot), and bad weather was rolling in, so he was aggravated before he got in his plane. He had started and stopped his flying education several times over the years. John was *NOT* IFR rated—he was not certified as having the skills necessary to fly without being able to see where he was going. Sometime people, even rich & famous people, make bad decisions that happen to be convienent for others.
“What is IFR?
IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules. It is a set of regulations and procedures that govern how pilots fly aircraft when visibility is limited, such as in clouds, fog, or other low-visibility conditions.
IFR relies on a pilot’s ability to fly the aircraft using instruments and navigation aids like radio beacons and GPS. It requires pilots to have specialized training and certification beyond what is necessary for flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
The primary purpose of IFR is to ensure the safety of flights in low-visibility conditions by providing clear rules and procedures for pilots to follow. It also allows for more efficient use of airspace and enables pilots to fly standard routes, reducing flight time and fuel consumption.
Because IFR procedures are more efficient and safer than VFR procedures, nearly all commercial flights operate using IFR flight rules, regardless of weather conditions.
Overall, IFR is an essential aspect of aviation that enables pilots to fly safely and confidently in various weather conditions, making air travel more reliable and accessible to passengers and cargo alike.
What Do You Need to Fly IFR?
To fly IFR, you require the following:
-An IFR-capable aircraft
-A crew with Instrument Ratings that meet recency requirements
-An IFR flight plan”