Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, what a moron, what a stupid inept idiot, to call those of us who did not want the COVID gene injection racist, extremist, misogynist etc. Who is laughing now Trudeau?
You dimwit dolt, your own PHAC health officials said they did not recommend that travelers needed vaccine, to move inside Canada or cross into Canada, land or sea; it was YOU! YOUR mandate!
They at PHAC said there was no evidence to support that mandate policy yet it was you Trudeau, who caused suffering of Canadians. It was your personal policy, you drama teacher you. Do you know how many thousands if not millions of Canadians are currently vaccine injured with harms and deaths COMING, in time? Yes, many Canadians will die of these injections in time. Due to you! I asked them before and will again, to take their dead babies and children to your residence and place them at the gates and ask the police there to call you out to tell them what to do next. That’s all, call you out. Peacefully with your dead children. Since you forced people to take the fraud ineffective unsafe shot, forced parents, with your idiocy, talking a whole load of unscientific garbage. You always sounded like a dolt! You and your corrupted health officials Njoo and Tam, it was you all. These two are the greatest buffoons ever to sit atop Health Canada or PHAC. Inept. So parents must go to you at your residence with their dead children for they will have deaths due to the shots, and ask you what to do next. Say “Mr. Prime Minister, with all respects, my child is dead, I followed your coercion and mandate and vaccinated my child. What do I do now”? Adults have been severely harmed and have died due to these harmful injections and one can expect, so will our children.
I supported this Prime Minister and even voted for him prior. I even praised him in the past despite what others said. I admired him, I truly did. I still say he is likely a great dad, brother, husband etc. I do not know him but likely a good human being. It is his politics that are abhorrent. Leftist socialist deranged madness is all I can say! Devastating to the Canadian people, him and his liberal leftist radical policies. His distaste for anyone who thinks differently than he. His COVID lockdown lunacy that is and was based on no science! With what he did to Canada in COVID response and the Convoy Truckers, it is reprehensible. I want this clueless PM Trudeau to show us the data, the science, the evidence he has seen to warrant any of his prior COVID polices including the vaccine mandate. Show us. We know you have nothing. Yet here is your chance, show us! You single handedly caused the smashing of Canadian society, crushed it, you and Singh of NDP and the fraudster himself, Doug Ford with his 17% election win MANDATE. What a joke. People just did not vote, they were so distraught by the corrupted options.
I write so hard now to you for you, at your hands, many Canadians have suffered and died due to your lunacy with the COVID lockdowns and this fraud gene injection that you have no clue about, you drama teacher you! Your policies killed Canadians and we must put you in proper legal inquiry to hold you to account. Proper public inquiry. And hold you to account legally if it is shown you indeed costed lives as we look around and know you did!
Our military, our precious police, our border agents at all our borders, injured, some already harmed by these dangerous shots. Many WILL die as time passes, it is booked. They will die from the shot, people we all know, and we cannot do anything about it. This is what you did! Yet people like me and Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Howard Tenenbaum told you to stop. We even came to Ottawa to see you and your health officials. I went to parliament with James Topp (the military hero walking across Canada to plead to stop the nonsensical unscientific mandates yet you responded by court marshalling him?) We are seeing it now, deaths due to the vaccine. That you mandated. Due to your nonsensical specious COVID policies. Lockdown lunacy and vaccine corruption, with no science to support any of it!
I hope you and all health officials, all technocrats, all who made these baseless dangerous policies across Canada, sit in a court room to answer and show their science. For what you did. If not, you and all must be held to account by proper legal proscriptions.
I now hear ambulances go by my house all the time, it wasn't like that before. Trudeau has damaged thousands of Canadians with his tyrannical bullshit. I have friends who are vaccine injured and I just found out my daughter now has high blood pressure, she's 53 so I had no say. I told her the dangers but she wanted to travel. I worry about her every day. When I see Trudeau's face anywhere I get so mad because he's killing babies with that poison now, I just heard they're going to start jabbing 3 month olds. I have a very strong faith in God and I believe He will save us if we turn back to Him. We're in this mess because God was pushed out, so Satan filled the void, Justin Trudeau is one of Satans minions.
Worst Canadian in history. There are still some people who think we're extremists for criticizing him so much. Fortunately, even many of his former supporters have turned against him.