Recall Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam study (Chau et al.) looking at vaccinated healthcare personnel during Delta variant; viral loads via PCR cycle threshold in vaxxed nurses were 251 times higher than in
infected cases with the original strain in March/April 2020; this study also raised serious questions along with Shitrit & Hatemake studies about benefit of PPE in healthcare settings
This was a seminal study (kept quiet and swept under the rug by media and CDC and NIH and FDA, around June-July 2020) that told us early on after vaccine rollout that the COVID vaccines were failing to prevent infection, replication and transmission. The findings were similar to the Barnstable, Massachusetts outbreak in about early fall.
The study showed us that double vaccinated persons/nurses could become infected and harbored even greater infection. “vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals.” PPE (masks, shields, gowns etc.) in the hospital at least as it related to COVID virus, seemed to have failed.
These are critical early studies that showed us clearly that the vaccine was failing and even was facilitating/enhancing infection and re-infection in the vaccinee.
...and every goddamn healthcare worker I worked with - short of 2 that remained subjective during all of this - threw those early studies in the trash...
They deserve what’s coming.
My ex husband - the father of my only child - has been injected 5 times in the past 3 years. He has had Covid three times (all from luxury cruises). Two months ago he was hospitalized (and was "one day away from death" according to his doctor) with pneumonia. He had NEVER been ill in his life until 2020. He got a pneumonia shot after he recovered and swears his doctor "saved his life" and is a genius/angel.
This guy is a shrewd property developer and worth around $40 million. He is a liberal and would literally die than admit that his political choice may be detrimental to his health. They - (the satanic cabal) - politicized this entire sh*t show from the beginning to make sure objective reasoning played no part in the uptake of the bioweapon shots. The brainwashing is almost impenetrable at this point.
My ex will die many years before his natural expiry date and there is nothing I can say and no evidence I can show him that will alter this outcome. The cult of liberalism has been expertly coordinated and is driving everyone - including the enlightened and painfully aware - to governmental Central Bank Digital Currency, mRNA dose-dependent enslavement.
The meek, corrupt, hedonistic, non-thinking "feeling" fool- cult is unconsciously disinheriting the world due to their blind trust in manmade authority, hatred of truth/Christianity and politically correct egocentric ignorance.
The good news? The adrenochrome-injecting Satanic subterranean cabal will not have the support they believe they have... Their fake, technical surreal world of manipulated data and ridiculous graphs and planograms has never been successful or long-lived in all its decades of government-funded initiatives.
Human Nature/God Nature will take of all the lies and BS... like it always does