Research by Loeske et al. corroborated that pre-activated antiviral 'INNATE' immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children; this is the 'FIRST line of defense' in kids
Good & bad news; this innate immunity in children has protected them against a broad range of pathogen; innate antibodies & innate natural killer cells that protects; VACCINE Abs can damage innate Abs
KEY message: the innate immune system is often sidelined and we mainly discuss natural immunity and vaccine immunity. But innate immunity is a key ‘separate’ immune compartment and is the first line of defense against pathogen in the environment (principally involves mucosal layer in the respiratory tract and digestive tract). It is very critical in children and children ‘come with it’ as they are still considered ‘antigen inexperienced’ and so need this as they begin life and begin laying down long lived immunity (naturally acquired). This innate has no memory like how natural immunity has ‘long-lived’ immunological memory. But it really does not need it as its job is to be potent, vicious, relentless, and deadly to invading pathogen/antigen. Yet Geert has informed me that there is some ‘training’ of innate antibodies with exposure and that trained immunity of the innate system may reside somewhere between pure naïve innate and natural acquired long-lived immunity. This is not the focus of this opinion piece but it is fascinating and interesting area of research. I just felt like mentioning as I know you are very keen and on top of the science and COVID. By sharing, I am learning too and from you.
Children must never ever be given these vaccines as they do not need them, they have near zero risk, the vaccines have been shown to carry risks including myocarditis, and children have their own potent innate immune system that is magical, beautiful, a gift from God, and potent. Children also have limited ACE 2 receptors (that the virus uses to gain entry to your cells to use the metabolic machinery to replicate itself) in the nostrils, nasopharynx passage. There is an age graduated expression of these receptors nasally (upper airways) and children have little and it helps explain at least in part, why children do not get infected readily and also do not transmit or get severely ill. They simply lack the molecular and biological basis to do this, and thus, why the hell would we consider injecting them with this?
These vaccines were developed in 3-4 months when it takes 12-15 years for a vaccine from conception to arms. Operation Warp Speed (OWS) must have cut safety corners. Had to. If they say no, they have lied to you! It is impossible to carry out the study in that period of time.
This innate immune system which is the focus of this posting, can be damaged by COVID vaccines and I will explain lower down.
First, I wanted to highlight this research by Loeske et al. that corroborated the pre-activated antiviral INNATE immunity in the upper airways that controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children; as indicated above, this is the first line of defense and this is potent innate immunity (mucosal layer) and it dispatches and vanquishes pathogen that come at children. It is vicious, potent, untrained and naïve, non-specific, low-affinity, and at high antibody titers (Geert told me mainly IgMs). It destroys anything and protects children and innate is much more capable, responsive, reactive, and robust in children relative to adults. This immune compartment usually can handle the job and why children are typically asymptomatic (works very fast to clean up the task) and if it is breached, it is then that the naturally acquired/adaptive immunity steps up (also composed of natural acquired antibodies (B cells) and natural killer calls/NK).
The reality is that infants, children, and young persons have a significantly reduced risk of developing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), this despite a similar risk of infection. This study revealed that the transcriptional environment in the upper airways in children (respiratory tract) had a greater basal expression of relevant pattern recognition receptors such as MDA5 (IFIH1) and RIG-I (DDX58), macrophages and dendritic cells. They reported a consequential more robust and rigorous innate antiviral responses in children relative to adults when exposed and infected with SARS-CoV-2. They reported on “SARS-CoV-2-negative (n = 18) and age-matched SARS-CoV-2-positive (n = 24) children and corresponding samples from adults (n = 44), covering an age range of 4 weeks to 77 years.” Children also revealed distinct immune cell sub-groups that included “KLRC1 (NKG2A)+ cytotoxic T cells and a CD8+ T cell population with a memory phenotype”. This subpopulation occurred principally in children. Loeske et al. concluded that the airway immune cells of children are already pre-activated and primed for viral sensing, and this results in a far more robust and stronger early innate antiviral response to SARS-CoV-2 infection relative to adults.
But I wanted to provide a warning:
There is a strong chance that the vaccinal antibodies can suppress the innate antibodies in children, and can subvert them. There is emerging evidence and Geert has re-iterated this to me. The innate antibodies in children can be ‘outcompeted’ by vaccinal antibodies post COVID vaccine and the real concern is that with boosting, the vaccinal antibodies would be boosted continually which would work to keep the innate antibodies continually suppressed. Outcompeted because the innate is non-specific to an antigen, low-affinity, very broad in response to all variants as an example, high antibody levels, but can be outcompeted by vaccinal antibodies that are very antigen-specific, high-affinity to the antigen of focus. This can leave children defenseless as to their normally functional potent innate immune defenses. This is our concern. This can be catastrophic for children, deadly. There are a host of reasons these vaccines are contra-indicated and this/these are some.
That is why they are trying to destroy their innate and adaptive immune systems. They are making the situation worse. Intentionally!
Could this leave them susceptible to other diseases?
Also, does an encounter with the innate system provide long term memory based immunity?