'RFK Jr. Warns ‘Next Step’ Is Military Advisers in Ukraine: ‘Have They Forgotten’ Vietnam?'; Bobby Jr. is 100% correct here but wrong on one thing, the US is ALREADY in Ukraine fighting Russia
on the ground as **cough INSPECTORS cough **...see below...they are already there Bobby Jr., already there & Americans should know this is a war between Russia & US fought via Ukraine; DANGEROUS
‘Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned on Thursday that the “next step of Ukraine War escalation” is stationing United States military advisers on the ground.
He flagged a recent article by Foreign Affairs titled “Why America Should Send Military Advisers to Ukraine: On-the-Ground Help Will Bolster Kyiv Without Risking Escalation.”’
The war machine must be DEFUNDED. Congress must shut down the government and stop these warmongering Dems and RINO's from stealing our money to support a nazi regime in Ukraine.
Let Russia end this, they will take care of rebuilding and protecting all citizens in Ukraine, including the ethnic Russians that Ukraine has been murdering.
No, they have not forgotten Viet Nam. Lots of people made loads of money off it.