Robert Kennedy Jr. said what? About Red State voters? He said what? This is insane as this video shows him stating Red state voters people para "are more likely to murder you, to impregnate your
teenage daughter, to commit a violent crime against you, to commit a nonviolent crime against you, to watch ‘Desperate Housewives’ on TV, to buy pornography, to buy degenerate video games like ‘Grand
Theft Auto.’”
Kennedy Jr. has been going on conservative media and we need an explanation for this…this was him…but I need to see the entire tape…I also am stunned by this thinking…some said it was 2005…
He will need to apologize to the Red state voter…if he indeed said these things and it appears he did.
‘Many argue that the comments prove that Kennedy is not the moderate candidate that voters have been led to believe.
“I’m proud to be from the most conservative state in America and represent the best of our country,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) wrote in a post in X.
“RFK Jr.’s divisive attacks are disqualifying.”
“I’m proud to represent one of the reddest districts in Texas,” Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) said.’
His radical ideology on climate and control exposes him as a radical lefty.
JFK jr is for gun control and hes all in on the climate scam, he leans left more than right.