Schwab et al.; remember the German study and the staggering histopathological myocarditis detected on autopsy after COVID vaccine! 25 cases out of 35 were presented, myocarditis found in 5/25 (20%)
the 5 found dead within 20 days post vaccine! see table 2, Figure 1; Four persons died after the first vaccine jab, the remaining case after the second dose. All persons died within the first week
Cardiac autopsy findings consistent with (epi-)myocarditis were found in five cases of the remaining 25 bodies found unexpectedly dead at home within 20 days following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
Main characteristics of the five cases are presented in Table 2, while further autopsy findings are shown in Supplementary Table 2. Three of the deceased persons were women, two men. Median age at death was 58 years (range 46–75 years).
Four persons died after the first vaccine jab, the remaining case after the second dose.
All persons died within the first week following vaccination (mean 2.5 days, median 2 days).
Clinical findings, blood tests, ECGs or imaging data were not available as deceased persons did not seek medical attention prior to death.
Person 1 was found dead 12 h after the vaccination. A witness described a rattling breath shortly before discovering circulatory failure. Person 2 complained about nausea and was found dead soon thereafter. Resuscitation was started immediately but without success, respectively. The other persons were found dead at home without available information about terminal symptoms. According to the available information provided at the time of autopsies, none of the deceased persons had SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to vaccination and nasopharyngeal swabs were negative in all cases.’
A Lymphocytic aggregates in the interventricular septum of case 1 with associated myocardiocyte destruction. B The infiltrate is predominantly composed of CD3-positive T-lymphocytes and C CD68-positive macrophages. D In lower magnification two foci of CD4-positive lymphocytes are evident (D)
‘1) 71% of deaths that occur within 20 days of taking vaccine appear to be due to conditions well known to occur with COVID-19 vaccination, 2) inflammation in the heart was coincident with the same pattern of inflammation in the arm. Thus we can conclude death within a few days of vaccination is most likely due to the genetic product and that inflammation in the arm may be a surrogate for a similar process in the heart. The very high yield of post-vaccination autopsy should spur families and physicians to push for post-mortem exams so we can learn more on how this medical procedure is leading to such a large loss of human life.’
[i] Schwab, C., Domke, L.M., Hartmann, L. et al. Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination. Clin Res Cardiol (2022).
Damning evidence of the dangers of covid shots.
Culling, the Human Race under the guise of a " Vaccine", how many will perish? Millions? Billions? Believing those two Damming words; "Safe & Effective"....