Seizure risk after Pfizer BioNTech mRNA vaccine (in kids ages 2-4 years) and MODERNA mRNA vaccine (in kids ages 2-5 years) (using Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman CANCER causing vaccine); Hu et al. JAMA
I wrote about this prior yet this study is to be reposted given it adds to the body of evidence that the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine is DEADLY, dangerous to our infants, children; DO NOT touch it!
Do not focus on the double talk, you know you see them even among the Freedom Fighters, they say hey the vaccine big bad but its ok too…bullshit, these bitches knew they were shilling for a mRNA vaccine that did not work and was harmful and they played both sides (incentivized) and must be accountable…I am going to start fleshing them out shortly.
Mind you, these troubling deadly findings also include the known risk of myocarditis and pericarditis etc. that is not simple, not rare, and very damaging for the young child. These mRNA vaccines have set our children up to a life of problems for myocarditis is often SILENT. BUT IT DOES COME KNOCKING WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT AND OUTCOME CAN BE AND IS OFTEN CARDIAC ARREST, DEATH.
In this cohort study of 4 102 106 vaccinated enrollees, 2 outcomes met the statistical threshold for a signal compared with historical rates: myocarditis or pericarditis after BNT162b2 (ages 12-17 years) and seizure after BNT162b2 (ages 2-4 years) and mRNA-1273 (ages 2-5 years) vaccinations.
Near-real-time monitoring detected a previously identified statistical signal for myocarditis or pericarditis and a new statistical signal for seizure; however, these results should be interpreted cautiously because the methods only screened for potential statistical signals and have several limitations.’
Why is the TWC pushing Tamiflu??
Tamiflu is effin' dangerous. Dangerous I say.
Bigger Picture …
… Maybe The Biggest.
That The Vaccinated Might Live - Would Be The Worst Mistake Of All Time.
As The Saying Goes:
‘You’ve Seen One
Genetically Mutated Moron
… You’ve Seen Them All.