Severe course of corona: are vaccinated people more at risk?Politicians and pharmaceutical companies promise that vaccinations protect against a severe course of corona. Current ICU data raise doubts
There are currently 86 percent % patients in the intensive care units who have been vaccinated at least once. Current data from intensive care medicine raise doubts.
‘Some scientists question its effectiveness
Individual scientists such as the molecular biologist Paul Cullen or the virologist Martin Haditsch, on the other hand, point out the risks that would arise from the new corona vaccines. They question the promised effectiveness, although they do not fundamentally reject vaccinations.
From the scientists' point of view, the risk associated with an mRNA vaccination is too great, especially for younger groups of people - the spike proteins could have a toxic effect on the human body and trigger autoimmune diseases. They fear that the nanoparticles they contain may cause damage to the genome.
An mRNA vaccination can only make sense in vulnerable groups, since the benefit outweighs the potential risk of rare, serious side effects.’
This is how the distribution among vaccinated people looks like
3.2 percent of all intensive care patients (60 cases) had one vaccination, 12 percent two vaccinations (222 cases). At 55.6 percent, the largest group in the intensive care units (1029 cases) were those who had three vaccinations. According to the DIVI intensive care register, 15.5 percent of all patients (286 cases) were vaccinated four times or more. This emerges from the weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute from September 8th. Vaccination status was reported for 1,850 Covid-19 admissions - representing approximately 59.6% of the cases reported for this period (3104).
One of my personal experiences is that I have witnessed two of my friends battle Covid-19 with everything they had. Both were hospitalized in the same hospital system. One was “vaxxed to the max” with the initial dose plus two boosters. The other was willing to loose her job to remain unvaccinated. She is still with us. Her recovery is a difficult one, however, she is making incredible progress! My other friend is sadly no longer with us. He was denied monoclonal antibodies until he was in the ICU, so I am told. He was never placed in the prone position, even though his family requested it. His family also refused the idea of giving Ivermectin and other treatments that I and others strongly urged. My thinking was “ throw the medicine cabinet “ at him, why not!? The true disinformation that was spread was the hospital protocols that literally killed, the lies and smear campaigns/silencing of the alternative treatments available...shame on all those who allowed this to happen. Shame on those who brainwashed people to believe 2-3 masks work, 2 plus so-called vaccines will completely protect you, that closing down and social distancing was the answers... I pray they are held accountable one day soon.
Interesting article a couple of links away from this one. Biontech and Moderna's liability shield is being tested in Germany by the vaccine injured. Per the law firm which filed the suit, "Supply contracts and regulations cannot undermine civil law, explains the lawyer. Biontech and Moderna would therefore have to be liable for proven vaccination damage. According to the Medicines Act, the vaccinated person does not have to prove that the vaccine damage is due to the vaccination. According to the law firm, the manufacturer must prove that there is no connection." God I hope they destroy these two companies.